
  • I'm new (obviously) and I'm really just here for support. People who know what it's like to be overweight, know what it's like to be depressed about it and know what it takes to change it. I don't really have any kind of support like that in my life (aside from a wonderfully kind, albeit stick-thin husband !).

    My name is Page. I'm 23 years old and my current (and heaviest) weight is 250lbs. I'm hoping to lose 100 pounds, but the mere thought of that much weight is so daunting. That's a whole other person!

    Anyway, any help/advice/thoughts/shared stories are welcome. I need something that will keep me honest with myself about eating right and working out and making the changes. But I just don't know where to start, so I thought here would be a great place
  • Hello....
    If this all seems overwhelming to you and you don't know where to start, then maybe just start with small changes, such as parking father from entrances, switch one bad chioce of food/ drink for a healthier choice, Use a small plate and fill that instead of a dinner plate, set small attainable goals.....things like that!
    Just remember not be to hard on yourself, but do be accountable because when you cheat.....the only one your hurting is yourself! If you do backslide or you are struggling...DON'T give up....don't let one bad choice turn into an entire bad day or worse yet...falling off the wagon completely!
    We are all facing the same struggles each day and we are here for you and hope too see you through to your final goal and beyond!
  • Hey!!!

    You just need to be in the right state of mind and be prepared to go for the ride.

    Set yourself small goals with rewards.. I still remember my first reward at 10 lb was nice new wedge sandals.

    Try changing one thing at a time. I've done every diet and honestly simple calorie counting and workouts helped me get to where I am today.

    And please don't be hard on yourself, just one day, one pound at a time. Find what works for you and just go with the flow. Keep your eyes on the prize and remember what your reasons are.

    Don't give up, take breaks, embrace and accept plateaus and enjoy the love, advice and friendships you'll find here at 3FC.

    When I first started I thought it would be impossible. But it CAN be done. It won't be easy, but it's worth it.

  • Welcome!

    Losing a whole person is very daunting, I agree. Why not make it easier by familiarising yourself with the weights of any particularly small people in your life, and using those whole people as mini-goals? For example, as of yesterday I've lost my six year old niece's entire body weight. She's the oldest child I know. The youngest I know is three weeks old, and was 9lbs at birth. He'd make a lovely minigoal, if he didn't keep growing!

    I see you're in the UK, and that gives you an advantage in terms of setting small goals too. You're 17st 12 now, so how about a first goal of getting down below 17st? Then you'll be sitting at 238, so only 8lbs to lose to get down to a nice round 230. Then you'll be 16st 6, so not far to go to the next stone marker and so on. I always used to just go by the stones, and since joining 3FC I feel like I've been losing weight much faster, because counting in pounds as well as in stones gives me so many more milestones to pass.
  • Thanks for the warm welcome

    I like using the stone mark to set mini-goals. I've only been in the UK for 9 months or so, but 17 stone sounds better than 250 lbs :P
  • Hi and welcome!!!

    I also strongly believe in mini-goals! When you set more goals along the way you have more goals to achieve. It feels more like a rewarding journey and less like a long, endless path. Instead of thinking about losing 100 pounds try thinking about losing 10 pounds 10 times. That's really helped me!

    This is a great place full of supportive, friendly people and I hope you find it as helpful as I have!