
  • Hi Ladies …I have been calorie counting since 2nd week of Feb this year …so far I have lost 33lbs …but lately instead of losing a steady 2lbs per week I have been slowing down to 1, maybe 1.5lbs ….I think it might be too early for a plateau, but I know those might happen.

    My question is that I am currently using an app on my phone called “Lose It”, which I really love but when I put my current weight in ( 205 ), it shows that I should now be only eating 1315 cals per day to lose 2 lbs per week …I was keeping it around 1400…

    I am wondering if my issue is that I am eating too little for the weightloss? I have a desk job and am currently not exercising, haven’t since I started in Feb.

    What do you all think?

  • You are not at a plateau, a loss of 1 to 1.5 pounds a week is excellent and quite normal. I do think 1315 calories a day is pretty low, I would stick with the 1400 as you are quite sedentary. I think you are doing great , I wouldn't change anything as long as you are losing. You might hit a plateau but you aren't there yet.
  • I keep my calories between 1500-1800 (without counting calories, just based on what I'm eating) and I consistently lose. I fear if you drop your calories lower and lower it will be harder to maintain as you lose more weight.
  • Thanks ...I do think the 1315 is too low ...gonna stick with more like 1400 for a while...and I will start walking 3-4 times a week and see what that does for me, may need to up the cals once I do that ...

    Aleks - do you exercise ?
  • Honestly... I don't think 1315 is too low... I eat a consistent 1200 a day (sometimes less depending on what I fit in that day) and I workout, my lowest week has been a 2lb week, I think you just need to start exercising, anything is better than nothing, if you don't have enough energy to get out and exercise then up your calories, otherwise 1.5 is a good amount to be losing per week if you are not exercising!
  • Also.. WHAT are you eating to make up these 1315 calories? It might be quality and not quantity that you aren't quite doing right, or maybe it's just time to change up your food a bit? Throw your body off by adding something new to the mix
  • Quote: Thanks ...I do think the 1315 is too low ...gonna stick with more like 1400 for a while...and I will start walking 3-4 times a week and see what that does for me, may need to up the cals once I do that ...

    Aleks - do you exercise ?
    This is so not on subject but your quote in your profile where'd you get it from? I've only seen two celebs quote it, one is in my fave band >.> juuust curious
  • i wouldn't recommend doing 1315 as of now, cause it doesn't leave you much room to lower calories as you weigh less & less. and how long have you been experiencing the "plateau" for? 1lb-1.5lb is a very healthy, reasonable, & normal rate to be losing at, so don't be discouraged!
  • Thanks Ladies - I do really think that most of my problem is not exercising...I thought I could get away with it for a while but I guess my body is now telling me that I need to do it ...I know I need to for toning purposes anyhow...

    Dolly - I am not completely sure where I got that quote, I think I just saw it online one time ...I fell in love with it because I think it is so true ...

    Delyn - yeah it does just seem too low, especially with how much further I have to go weightloss wise...and with starting exercising too ...think I will leave at 1400 and up it if I need to.

    Bridgette - yours is a good point, because I have been noticing that lately even though I am staying in my calories for the day I am not always making the best food choices for those I need to up the protein and stay away from some of the quick processed foods I have been eating. They don't really fill me up and then I just am more hungry.

    I ended up going over calories last night by about 800-900 and I feel so guilty, I never do that ...I had a bunch of kettle corn and then a few peices of toast with real butter ...the calories added up quickly I do need to get out and walk tonight I guess ...its 94 degrees here today though, ughhh
