Hello everyone

  • Hi there,
    I was a member of this forum previously, about a year ago. I hope it's alright to come back?

    I am a 17 year old high school senior, trying to lose weight to prepare for college. I'll spare you the whole "I need to change, I'm so unhappy this way" bit because you can probably already guess I feel this way.

    I think, most recently, the thing that really woke me up about my weight is seeing myself in old vacation pictures, back when I was thin. It astounds me that I thought I was fat at that time - I'd give anything to have it back! It was the summer I turned 13, and I weighed about 165lbs. I'm turning 18 in a few weeks and have gained at least 50lbs over the years.

    Looking back, I can see that my depression was largely responsible for my gradual weight gain. Since about 5th grade I've been dealing with social anxiety as a result of the bullying I endured in elementary and middle school...I guess I never really got over it. I was always a heavy child but really ballooned in my early teens.

    So that's a bleak picture of me. I look forward to meeting new people and reacquainting myself with old friends.

    R.P. McMurphy
    (The username is a nod to my passion for psychology )
  • I know you can do it. Just keep coming on here cause whenever I feel unmotivated I just log on and see how many people are trying to make a difference in their lives.
  • McMurphy -
    Stay positive! I'm in a similar situation as you, at 14 I was 190 and by the time I graduated I was 230. (I'm a bit taller, but I think we both probably have a similar BMI).

    Anyway, we can definitely make this change! We just have to stick to our plan, and remind ourselves that giving up won't solve anything.

    p.s. OFOTCN is a great film!! a definite classic


    If you need to vent, I'm here!

    xx jess
  • Thanks ladies!

    GuiriGirl:I know! I'm reading the book right now.
  • I know that a lot of us have similar or somewhat similar pasts. I'm well over 17 years old but feel the same way.

    For me at 38, I'm trying to take some of the focus off of losing weight strictly for appearances. I want to get healthy!

    Good luck on your journey to better health and to a smaller pant's size!