Birthday Mini Goal!

  • Ok so tell me if this is realistic....I currently weigh 195lbs and want to be 175lbs by my birthday on Sept 16th.... Thats 20lbs in 3 months.

    Its my 25th and I have a tiny inkling I might be getting a diamond on my finger, if you get my drift! My worst nightmare is being a fat fiancee/bride!

    If I'm not being realistic please tell me!

  • i think it is completely doable! hope you get the ring!!!
  • That sounds very appropriate and achievable!

    What are you going to do to make it happen? For me if I fail to plan, then I'm planning to fail, and that is no longer an option. Whenever possible I plan my food, almost to the point of obsession, but if I don't, then I go over and things are not happy in my world... lol.
  • That's incredibly doable, and technically if you aim to lose 2 lbs a week(which is very healthy to do) you could very well lose the 20 lbs in 2 months. Good Luck