Super-über-duber frustrated! -tmi?

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  • Ok... Here it is.....all my life I've had a major problem with being "C". As long as I can remember, the only thing that gets things going and keeps things going has always been fruit. And it's not that I CAN'T go, it's that there is no urge to go for days on end. Then I'd have what we call in my family, my "poop day". Well, all the doctors have ever done is give me laxatives, I don't want to live like that, so I always ate fruit. Well, now.....I can't eat fruit. So my coach put me on floralax right from day 1. And it worked ok for the first couple weeks, it still wasn't everyday, but it was a few times a week. But then, just like everything else, it stopped. Now for the last week, I've been on novalax, 2 morning, 2 night. And it's been 3 days that I CAN'T go. The urge is there, but I can't. It's too hard (both senses of the word meant there) I eat at least 4 cups of lettuce daily, I eat all my select veggies and I drink AT LEAST 100 ozs of water daily. My WI is today, and for the third week in a row, I'm the same. I'm paying $100 a week for this, and even though my inches are dropping, a total of 18 gone last week, I'm only down 10.8 pounds. I'm not quitting, I'm just frustrated. I gotta get it moving or I'm going to be on this diet forever!!!
    Please! Help! Me! Any suggestions?
  • There is a tea out there called Smooth Move that might help in combination of maybe Benifiber or Miralax?
  • Novilax took 4-5 days 2x a day to get things going for me. The Smooth Move tea works too but I might wait a few more days because make you cramp a bit. Sorry for what you're going through. I feel your pain.
  • I use Celestial Seasonings Laxa Tea. Bought it at Wal-mart in the tea aisle. Follow package directions.
  • At one point a few months in, everything suggested stopped working for me. I ended up trying a glycerine suppository. They work in a few minutes. From time to time I will still use one.
  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions! Hopefully I can find something that will get this poo on the move!
  • I know this sounds funny...but you could invest in some xylitol sweetner and add a tbsp to some stewed rubarb and it will make you go...ruhbarb is one of the most viberous vegetables and the xylitol which is a derrivative of fruit fibre has a laxative effect on most people...
  • Quote: I know this sounds funny...but you could invest in some xylitol sweetner and add a tbsp to some stewed rubarb and it will make you go...ruhbarb is one of the most viberous vegetables and the xylitol which is a derrivative of fruit fibre has a laxative effect on most people...
    Agree with you on the rhubarb, it was a weekly or twice a week item on my list to eat during Phase 1, it's good for your tummy and will help you go (and it's yummy!). Although, careful with xylitol, from what I've seen it has to much carbs.

    Cootermom125 I have used suppositories as well (suggestion by MamaZu), just to get things moving...maybe talk to your pharmasist (that's who told me to just get things moving). I used ducolax suppositories and the pill I think maybe 3 times in total over the year I was on Phase 1. And floralax lasted a while for me then moved on to novilax. Many times I couldn't find the balance between the big C and the big D. I found the dieter's tea VERY painful from cramps...more so then ducolax. :/

    It's most uncomfortable...not that it helps, but I'm sorry.
  • Honestly it sounds like your plan needs to be better customized to your needs. If fruit works then it doesnt make sense to cut it out and replace it with a supplement or an unnatural medication. That is just my personal opinion. Impaction is extremely unpleasant and being that you have constipation issues in your past I wouldn't risk it. There are some stronger liquid laxatives if you get bad enough. Good luck!
  • Thank you thank you! I think I will try the rhubarb. My parents have a GIANT plant, so I think I will go 'shopping' there. I would really rather stick to natural solutions rather than turn to heavy laxatives. But the suppositories would be great to have on hand! Thanks all!
  • I did go down 0.4 pounds and 2 more it's working.....just gotta get the poo factory back on track!
  • I talked to my coach. I had tried the tea, which did nothing for me. The novilax from the clinic worked great. I was quite the case before going. This was just a few days ago. Its all fine now.
  • Quote: Thank you thank you! I think I will try the rhubarb. My parents have a GIANT plant, so I think I will go 'shopping' there. I would really rather stick to natural solutions rather than turn to heavy laxatives. But the suppositories would be great to have on hand! Thanks all!
    I think you're right You don't have the year I did, and three times in a year using ducolax isn't bad considering.

    Use WF Strawberry syrup or some stevia (one packet) with cinnamon and nutmeg with the rhubarb (jealous you have access to fresh stuff), you can have it as stewed this way OR there is a rhubarb crisp recipe out there with the oatmeal packet (you'll be using a restricted that way), also patns had a crispy cereal recipe (non-restricted this way). Maybe if she sees this thread she can chime in?

    Good luck!
  • Quote: I think you're right You don't have the year I did, and three times in a year using ducolax isn't bad considering.

    Use WF Strawberry syrup or some stevia (one packet) with cinnamon and nutmeg with the rhubarb (jealous you have access to fresh stuff), you can have it as stewed this way OR there is a rhubarb crisp recipe out there with the oatmeal packet (you'll be using a restricted that way), also patns had a crispy cereal recipe (non-restricted this way). Maybe if she sees this thread she can chime in?

    Good luck!
    I made the rhubarb "crisp" every night! I'm addicted. I save 2 cups of veggies for this every day!! I use the ProtiDiet oatmeal packet, and it's not a restricted!!! So I can still have my bar with my lunch. I'm spoiled. It's like having 2 desserts every day!
  • Have you ever been tested for food allergies? I used to be JUST like you!! I mean C my entire LIFE. Until my mid 20's when I found milk products did the exact opposite. I got a food allergy test completed and found out that chronic C is from my Gluten allergy and the chronic "releasing" was from my milk allergy. Cut both of those out and...all's the best every to actually be NORMAL! Have you seen a Gastroenterologist (sp?) sounds like there's definitely some sort of digestive problem happening there one way or another. Hope you get better soon!!