Maintenance Meal ideas

  • Good Morning,

    I've been on maintenance a few weeks's challenging to say the least. I am struggling with burnout already with meals. I'm doing same thing over and over (like phases 1&2). I was hoping in maintenance i could enjoy a little more variety besides salads and protein for lunch. I'm just in a slump. Any easy lunch ideas for maintenance out therthanks.

  • This was my problem too. I eventually just went back it an ip soup with veggies and a salad. Too much effort!
  • Yeah, I've had the shakes a few times at lunch but that's not realistic long term (for me). I really want to make this a realistic lifestyle change. The IP drinks/soups are great in a pinch, but I need real food options/ideas....
  • deli meat (un processed), canned meat (tuna/salmon/chicken/ham), left overs from the night before....shrimp, crab meat...(you can use low carb ketchup and 0 carb horseradish for a shrimp sauce)

    I am currently making two batches of protein to get me through the first part of the week, I used numerous types of rubs on chicken (so two batches of chicken with different rubs) This weekend I made lemon greek chicken and my VIP made some chilli so I have two types of meals to get me to Thursday and I'll probably have some pork by then. So then on Thursday I'll use canned ham maybe? (Chilli is for supper). Shrimp or crab/deli meat is for a 'quick' option.

    Trying not to use the packets unless it's for after a cardio/weight workout...

    NOTE: yes I realize the canned meat is processed - it's still an option...just not something I'm eating everyday anyway...
  • Jump in here. This is a recently closed Maintainers thread. There are recipes and links and suggestions allover the place. Also lots of tips on successes and failures as we are learning there is a lot of trial and error on P4, as we learn to figure out what works for us.

    Jump in here also. Check out posts #21, #33 and #34. They have links for helpful P4 docs including some recipes.

    I think the trickiest rule is separating the carbs from fat in lunch and dinner.
  • Thanks so much for the posts and suggestions!
  • Quote: Jump in here. This is a recently closed Maintainers thread. There are recipes and links and suggestions allover the place. Also lots of tips on successes and failures as we are learning there is a lot of trial and error on P4, as we learn to figure out what works for us.

    Jump in here also. Check out posts #21, #33 and #34. They have links for helpful P4 docs including some recipes.

    I think the trickiest rule is separating the carbs from fat in lunch and dinner.
    Thanks!!!! I also have a hard time with my lunch proteins and rely mainly on the ip soups. I will definitely revisit the threads you listed and look forward to new suggestions
  • I like to invent new recipes, but am also a creature of habit, so I still do the same basic lunch and dinner that I did through out Phase 2, but I don't always have meat twice a day. Just too much...

    So I make my soups, freeze them, then pop one out, throw in some meat (or hard-boiled eggs), make a big salad, with only extra spinach, broco-slaw and parsley. Sometimes I will use a regular ranch dressing and parmesan on it, but sometimes I just go back to the old standby WF dressing. It's really nice to have the option.

    That's lunch, and for dinner I do the stir-fry vegees, or grilled, lately, with meat and a big salad. I've been forgetting the complex carbs, but if I use them, it is some sprouted grain pasta, or brown rice or a little sweet potato or some other grain I'm learning about. Frequently throw on some fat-free feta too and use a WF dressing.

    When I'm pressed for time, I've been making a spinach smoothie/frozen treat and throwing in a scoop of either soy or whey protein powder, along with the flavorings, almond milk and lots of ice. In the hot weather, that is really satisfying. The IP puddings are great for this, but I"m trying to wean myself off of it - too expensive long term...

    Enjoy !!!
  • Quote:
    That's lunch, and for dinner I do the stir-fry vegees, or grilled, lately, with meat and a big salad. I've been forgetting the complex carbs, but if I use them, it is some sprouted grain pasta, or brown rice or a little sweet potato or some other grain I'm learning about. Frequently throw on some fat-free feta too and use a WF dressing.

    When I'm pressed for time, I've been making a spinach smoothie/frozen treat and throwing in a scoop of either soy or whey protein powder, along with the flavorings, almond milk and lots of ice. In the hot weather, that is really satisfying. The IP puddings are great for this, but I"m trying to wean myself off of it - too expensive long term...

    Enjoy !!!
    Aha, so that's how you can do cheese with your carb. Fat Free. Never thought of it. You are brilliant, Sewmam

    I am also probably going to go back to smoothies as well. I miss them.