IP Daily Chat Friday 5/25/12

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  • Welcome back to the Daily Chat thread - post your plans for today, share what's been happening, ask questions!

    Some forum lingo:
    NSV = Non-scale victory
    TOM = time of the month
    WI = Weigh-in
    WF = Walden Farms
    OP = on program

    Ideal Protein Sub-forum Home page
    Consider making it a bookmark or a favorite in your browser so you can come back easily to get your RDA of Ideal Protein information.
    Ideal Protein Sub-forum Home Page

    Information for newbies:
    Check the sticky page for lots of good information and please read before asking what might be a frequently asked question here in the daily thread: Information on Ideal Protein phases (1-4), recipes, newbie guide, FAQ, and other important threads.

    Tickers and Signatures:
    There are 2 requirements to have access to signatures and tickers. You must have been a member of 3fatchicks for 20 days AND posted at least 20 messages anywhere on the 3fatchicks forum. When you've met those requirements check The Ultimate Signature and Ticker Thread for more information and instructions.

    The best quoting tip - EVER!! Thanks Rosie, aka 6710.

    If you can't find what you're looking for in this forum using the website search function, try using the "double search" using Google.

    1) Go to google.com. Search 3fatchicks by using the term site:3fatchicks.com at the end of your google search.

    For example, if you want to look for "big mac in a bowl", type "big mac in a bowl site:3fatchicks.com" in google search. No need to inlucde the quotation marks when you type.

    2) This will bring up the page that you are looking for, now hit Ctrl+F to search on that page. Type "big mac in a bowl" and all instances of that search term will be highlighted.

    Progress photos:
    have been moved to the Mini-Goal Photo Album.

    Other helpful links related to the Ideal Protein diet:
    Dr. Tran Tien Chanh's website

    Dr. Tran Tien Chanh's book (PDF file): The Unbalanced Diet Approach to a Slimmer You
  • I posted this at the end of yesterday's thread but also wanted to post it today first thing for a WONDERFUL way to start a POSITIVE Day.

    I wanted to share with y'all from FB. There is a guy who I have been friends with for years, he has been watching me transform over the last year. He asked the name of the of the program, so I told him. I sent him to the same place my brother and mom went too. He was a diabetic on insulin until yesterday when he got his blood work, He NO LONGER has to take be on insulin. ONLY after 11 days of being OP!!...he had his WI today and loss 19.5lbs and 6 inches!!.....I am SOOOOO EXCITED for him, his wife was skeptical about the program but now she is starting tomorrow.....I LOVE IP!!

    I have another friend in Omaha that found me when she was searching IP on Youtube. She found my video's, I haven't talked to her since 92. She will be starting the program over the next few weeks. She has some medical issues and wants to pass it by her Dr first.

    Never know who's lives you will change....I am ONE happy person right now
  • I should be asleep by now as I have to get up early, but couldn't resist being one of the first ones on the the Friday thread. My mom is going back home tomorrow, and it sure will be nice to get back on a schedule again. I miss my regular work out days and IP is just so much easier for me too when I follow one.

    I also wanted to mention that there sure were some great WIs yesterday and some really beautiful profile pictures posted yesterday too. Such an amazing group of women and men. It's very inspiring and moving to be part of such a special group.
  • Up and off to work today, I can't wait for tomorrow to be done because it is along weekend for me! Four days off from all the stress at work, four days off to spend some quality time with my babies and my DF.
    I am thinking about lowering my goal weight from 150 to possibly 145-140. I do not have a petite build and my body is hour glass shape, I carry a lot on my chest, unfortunately and it causes back issues. My upper body is short and my lower body is long. I don't know if that description helps, but I can't seem to figure out how to upload pictures! What do you think should I lower it??

    Hope you all have a beautiful Friday
  • Good Morning Everybody

    Wuv - You are IP's best spokes person. You not only keep us on the boards going but you recruit people to do the plan. You are like "The messanger of health".

    Dana - Isnt it funny how we become creatures of habit. I find if my morning routine is altered, I am just kinda "off" the whole day. But at least these are good habits/ routines. Great job staying OP while Mom was here.

    Stefany - I am also thinking of lowering my goal, I figure I will wait till I get to goal ( I have 18 pounds to go) and see how I feel in my new skin and decide then. I think it is all about where we feel comfortable and not what the scale says.

    I hope everybody has a wonderful day.
  • Wuv - I couldn't agree more with Cadu, you're way of spreading the good word of IP is impressive. You truly are an inspiration and I enjoy reading you.

    Have a great day everyone, it's already Friday...time flies. 4th WI tomorrow, I can't believe I've been on the program for a month and I didn't expect it to be this simple (not always easy...but simple ;-) ).

    Good luck to those of you with WI's today! Keep it up IPers ;-)
  • Good morning all!
    Feeling great today and looking forward to a fabulous long weekend!
    Lisa Wuv, you are an inspiration to so many, and you touch more lives than you could possibly know. God Bless you!
  • Good morning g everyone. Some pretty deep posts this morning. It is wonderful to have people choose to follow your example. Dana very well put too. It is comforting to know I can reach out to each if you daily and check in. You're all good for my health. Big hugs to all of you.
  • Good Morning! Just did WI#3 at home and lost 2 pounds this week for a total of 13 pounds so far! I am doing IP on my own at home for a few reasons and have found this forum to be so helpful and educational! I am not sure what my goal is but for now I am sticking with the plan! Everyone have a great Friday too.
  • TMI alert!!!...so, I know constipation can be a complication with IP, but I am having the opposite problem if you know what I mean....any ideas of what I could be doing different, I guess veggies have a lot of fiber...LOL!
  • Quote:
    Never know who's lives you will change....I am ONE happy person right now
    Ain't it the truth, and you have changed many lives here, my dear! Thank you!!!!

    Good morning everybody! Rise and shine!

    The heat did me in yesterday and I thought, well I'll just get up real early and paint in the morning, but I ran out of paint and remembered that I have to bring my truck in to get the tailgate handle fixed that I broke earlier in the week, so this will be a short visit... then another load to Goodwill, more paint, more groceries... thank goodness for air conditioning...

    Thank you again to all the kind comments. I feel like I came out of hiding, posting a photo. Haven't wanted to show photos in years.... but it's a brand new day!!!

    May each of you have a moment in this day that reminds you of how loved you are, how strong you are and how beautiful you are...

  • Morning, all.
    as each opportunity comes up when others are eating yummy non IP things- and I say no, and get something IP to eat instead, I feel the strength from this group- who daily make hard choices to stay on plan. You all are the strong ones, and are smaller each day. You walk taller because of inner strength from this community group. I just wanted to say thinks! You all make a difference in my life.
  • Good Morning all
    hecking in to see everyone is doing..great loses keep it up..
    I just finished 1 week of phase 3, and lost 1 more pound...love this program..moving onto maintenance next saturday, I`m loving this way of life, so easy, and i know i can maintain this lifestyle...
    Have a great week everyone!
  • Good morning everyone!
    What a great support system this board is....wish I could respond to everyone but I HAVE to get some cleaning done. My soon to be 89 year old Dad and my two sisters are coming today. My youngest sister hasn't been to my house in probably 15 years....I have a LOT to do. Plus we are having a little get together for my son's graduation. He squeaked by and had to go an extra year but he stuck it out and I'm proud of him. My daughter dropped out February of her senior year and I thought he would probably do the same but he made it. She did get her GED and is now in college and doing great so life goes on. My kids lost their dad when they were 13 and 11 in a horrible accident which was a life changing event along with my son having many health issues(diabetes, epilepsy, Hashimoto's) so we kind of take a different path than many in my family. KInd of funny talking to my brother who is one year older than me but we are about as opposite as they come....I'm saying how proud I am of my son making it through and he's talking about his daughter working on her PHd in pharmacy and how competitive it is and the things she has to know.....him and his wife are about as type a as they come and I'm about as far away from that as they come....well, maybe not, I do have some perfectionist tendencies but I've never pushed my kids. With all they've been through I've tried to love them as they are.....maybe I should have pushed them and I will regret it and they will hate me someday for not making them do sports and pushing them to get good grades. I don't know.
    Enough about that.
    I've got my IP bag all packed and ready to go. We are going to my cousin's 50th wedding celebration for the weekend.
  • Quote: Good Morning! Just did WI#3 at home and lost 2 pounds this week for a total of 13 pounds so far! I am doing IP on my own at home for a few reasons and have found this forum to be so helpful and educational! I am not sure what my goal is but for now I am sticking with the plan! Everyone have a great Friday too.
    Awesome feeling isn't it!