On Plan Thread - 5/7 - 5/13

  • Another week of sharing our On-Plan food! Let's keep general chatter and off plan food talk in the general thread. Have a fabulous, On-Plan week everyone!
  • P1

    B: pacetta, eggs, veggies
  • Ph 1 (for 3 days to kick cravings)

    B: skipped (BAD BAD ME)
    L: Chickpea salad: Chick Peas, cucumbers, Blue cheese, tomatoes, hard-boiled egg, vinegar and broccoli cheddar soup
    S: cottage cheese
    S: SF hard candy
    D: broiled fish and veggies
    S: (if still hungry) almonds
  • Yesterday


    1: mocha smoothie (coffee, unsweetened almond/coconut milk -best stuff ever!, 2 scoops chocolate whey), ezekiel toast w/ pb and strawberry
    2: salad w/ grilled chicken breast
    3: cottage cheese w/ cinnamon
    4: mocha protein shake (on the go - needed something fast)
    5: salad w/ grilled chicken, black beans, salsa, roasted onions and peppers
    6: apple and 2 celery stalks w/ 1 T. pb

    exercise: 30 min. HIIT, taught 45 min. stretch and 60 min. yoga, 40 min. leg strength training



    1: mocha protein shake, ezekiel toast w/ pb and strawberry
    2: 1/2 c. chicken salad, a few pineapple chunks, 1/2 apple, small bunch of grapes, 1/2 c. sb carrot salad
    3: 1/2 lara bar
    4: grilled chicken, salad
    5: ??

    exercise: 35 min. treadmill, 30 min. back strength training
  • Ph 2

    I've got the stomach flu and didn't use it as an excuse to go off plan!

    B: SF Jello cup, NSA applesauce
    S: baby bel light
    L: FF broth with 100% WW Matzoh and Mrs. Dash, applesauce, SF jello cup
    D: let's see how I hold all of this in then decide!