May Feather's Chat!

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  • Girls! It's almost May and we've used the March thread for a month extra, time to start fresh! How are you all doing?

    I am thrilled, because: (posted in bikini-challenge thread also, sorry for the double, but YAY!!)

    For the first time in YEARS I was comfortable with the idea of a fullbody picture of myself that others get to see. So I asked my mom to take one today. I am pretty amazed I have to say. In my mind my legs are WAY bigger than how they appear on this picture. So Yeah! I think I am at the point where I feel no longer 'fat' or bigger than other people/friends! (Remember, I am from the Netherlands, lot's of tall and skinny folks here.)

  • philana : thank you for the new thread! And you look soooo slim! Looove the style (especially the blazer, so pretty!)


    I'm dead tired today after spending the weekend with friends out of town and my running training from yesterday... I don't really know how I'm going to go through the week lol

    I bought the cutest (and also my most shortest ever) daisy duke short at urban outfitter this weekend. Yes, they were horribly expensive. But they are piiiiiink. I'm in love with them, even if my thighs look huge in them.

    I ate SO MUCH this weekend. I felt I was pushing food in my mouth the entire time. Cookies, I had a burger with fries with friends, and we had some Beavertails after lunch (I could have chose the cinamon and lemon one to be reasonable. Obviously I went for the maple-I'm-gonna-go-for-a-diabetic-coma one) At least I had a nice salad for lunch on saturday. (I'm trying to comfort myself here, does it show!? lol)

    Oh well. New week. We don't have social plans for next weekend, it will probably help the sabotage part.
  • hi Feathers! After a weekend of eating a lot in NYC I'm up to 132.0 but I don't think that's a permanent arrangement. Back to the gym (and eating well) today!

    I thought I'd share a photo too. I was pretty drunk here and STUFFED with pizza, but even so, I think I look better than I did in pictures from a couple weeks ago. These are my size 4 pants!

    philana YOU LOOK GREAT! Your legs aren't big at all and you look much taller than 5'4 and a half.

    TurboMammoth I had a similar weekend. I'm sure your thighs don't look huge in anything but I hope you rock those shorts with confidence!
  • philana, krampus- you both look great!

    turbo- my weekend was totally off the rocker. i'm back on the wagon with you!

    hi feathers! i'm back from a great weekend in vegas for my birthday-- there was so much eating! i tried to counteract the eating by walking tons every day and i went on two 5 mile morning runs down the strip-- which were awesome fun.

    however, after a weekend full of treats, 1 buffet, and 1 awesome gourmet meal, i am up and sore. Also, my foot is in a lot of pain to the point where i'm laid up at home waiting to call an orthopedist and can't go to work

    regardless of eating though, I felt proud of how i looked this weekend. i was even hit on for the first time at a bar-- it was a creepy old guy but still, was a bit of an ego booster.

  • everyone looks great! i just hit the 130's so i guess i'll be around the forum more. (i still don't think of myself as a "feather" weight lol)
  • jayohwhy For the first time? I doubt that - you must just have been oblivious. nicely done on the long runs on vacation! Is that your husband? He's really good looking!
  • Hi Everyone,
    I'm new here, first off you ladies look so great! I just starting back to dieting after a year or so off. I had been down around 128 but a trip to an all inclusive resort put me waay off track and I just sort of let it go. When I weighed in at 146 a few weeks ago I knew I had to get moving.

    - Eating Heathier (eating way more veggies and fruits this time around)
    - Watching portions and calories (tracking on my iphone around 1500/day) I had previously done 1200/1300 but found myself way too hungry so I upped them.
    - Exercising/moving more. Even if it just means running around with my (almost) 5 year old instead of going to the gym. He's taken up tennis albeit not very well, which means I get to run all over the court.

    I've lost 2.5 lbs in 2 weeks and couldn't be more thrilled. I can't wait to see the scale move out of the 140s!
  • Hi Ladies!!

    Philiana - thanks for posting for finally starting a new thread!! You look so pretty and slim!

    Jayohwhy and Krampus - you also looks super hot!

    New ladies welcome, it's a friendly bunch here

    Turbo - Even if you ate a lot your weekend sounds fun!

    I'll join in and post a pic, I'm slightly intoxicated...but it's the only recent full body shot I have!

  • Hi girls, every one is looking good... As for me I am getting ready for my half marathon this coming sunday here in Toronto.
    My weekend was all over the place food realated...we have 2 party so a lot of food. I have my 3th WI this coming wednesday , i don't think I am goin to see a lower number...crossing fingers for the same.

    I will look for a picture to post...
  • Everyone looks awesome! I had a picture taken of me this weekend and looked way smaller than I see myself. I'll try to figured out how to post it because rit now I have no clue...
  • You girls are all adorable! Lookin' fabulous!!!

    I'm up to my neck in finals. My brother is visiting this weekend and I want to strangle him!!! WHY does he pick the weekend before all my tests? BOOGER!!

    Back to studying I go!
  • Hi everyone! I am new to this site... Just joined yesterday after eating tons of ice cream, cake, etc. It wasn't pretty. But I am confident that with support I can turn things around! I am also neck deep in finals - pretty stressful time! I am also running a half marathon in less than a week. May 5! I'm so scared for it. I haven't ran more than 3 miles in the last 3 weeks - but before that I was running 5-6 miles per day and long runs of 15 miles. Even with all that training though I still wasn't losing weight because of all the crap I was eating. I decided I really need to change and am excited to have you all here as support!
  • Welcome abord magsabags.... Which half are you running? I think you are going to be ok having long runs of 15 miles, even if it was 3 week ago. I am doing a half this coming sunday...are you shooting for a specific time?
  • I'm running this Saturday in Columbus, OH. I'm shooting for under 2 hours. Have you run the half before/do you have any advice you could give me? This is my first race ever!
  • Hello ladies! I joined the featherweights this time last year but then I found out I was pregnant and had to take a break from weight loss.

    I am Sarah a happily married mommy to 4 beautiful kiddos. My youngest was born on January 6th and somehow I have managed to lose all of my baby weight so I am back to where I was last year. I gained 25 lbs after my Grandfather passed away 2 years ago so my goal is to lose that plus an additional 10 lbs to make my goal of 110 lbs which seems reasonable for a
    5'2'' person.