this week's weigh-in....

  • 207 - down 3lbs from last week.

    to celebrate, i bought a jar of hot salsa to add to my poached eggs and revised my mini-goal: next stop, 199!

    that's scary. i haven't been below 200 in so long - before i got pregnant, easily, which was 6yrs ago.
  • Congrats to you!!

    NOM salsa. I put salsa (and ketchup, and hot sauce) on pretty much everything. My boyfriend says I have an iron gut LOL.
  • mmmm - i love hot sauce. frank's is okay if i can't get any real hot sauce. it's got a nice flavour to it. but whatever-he-is-today makes a hot sauce from trinidad that's seriously nummable: scotch bonnet peppers, carrot, and garlic sliced or brunois and pickled in a mix of vinegar and lime juice. i used to put that on toasted cheese sandwiches.

    not ketchup, though - can't stand the stuff. i'm more an HP or A1 kinda gal.
  • Anything hot and spicy=love =D....I lived with friends from thailand for 6 months, and they were always making spicy foods so I can handle heat xDDD...going off track...oops xD

    Congrats on the drop =D Proud of you and can't wait to see your 199 goal...Getting past that 200 barrier is such a huge milestone. Just something about that number
  • Quote: 207 - down 3lbs from last week.

    to celebrate, i bought a jar of hot salsa to add to my poached eggs and revised my mini-goal: next stop, 199!

    that's scary. i haven't been below 200 in so long - before i got pregnant, easily, which was 6yrs ago.
    I feel the same way about 199. I weighed that when I had my oldest dd 11 and a half years ago. Cant wait to see it.
  • Quote: Anything hot and spicy=love =D....I lived with friends from thailand for 6 months, and they were always making spicy foods so I can handle heat xDDD...going off track...oops xD
    that's one thing you never have to worry about with me - i have no problems with threads going off track, off topic, off kilter, off the wall, or even off the rocker.

    Congrats on the drop =D Proud of you and can't wait to see your 199 goal...Getting past that 200 barrier is such a huge milestone. Just something about that number

    I feel the same way about 199. I weighed that when I had my oldest dd 11 and a half years ago. Cant wait to see it.
    doesn't it feel like we're peering through the doorway to some exclusive club wondering if we dare step into the room?

  • That's really great, you're so close.. way to go!

    I have this memory of making amazing poached eggs when I was a kid but I'm probably mental. No idea how now.
  • 182.8!!!

    I can't find those 180s/170s threads now
    Think il need that 70s forum soon

    I can see the changes in my body and appreciation for myself already, feeling like less of a lump except when the trainer makes us do jumping jacks im like water bed.
  • double congratulations: you wouldn't catch me doing jumping jacks!

    i tried them a couple weeks ago and the feeling of all that flub hitting terminal velocity on impact was just too depressing. i felt like an umbrella opening and closing.... =S
  • Congrats!!