Don't even take a bite!

  • My wife brought home a half-gallon of Publix Cookies 'n Cream ice cream the other day ("But it's yogurt!" she said). I had a few hundred calories left in my budget for the day one night, so I decided to have a bit before bedtime. You know - a sweet treat. Big mistake. One or two spoonfuls turned into seven or eight, and I was lucky to stop there. I'm pretty sure I went over my calorie budget for the day after working so hard to keep it. I know now to not take so much as a bite of ice cream (i.e. "frozen yogurt") from now on. It's just too tempting to indulge.
  • Yep. If you can't control yourself, best not to even get started. There are precious few foods I have that problem with, these days, but I make sure if I do eat them it is at a restaurant with a controlled portion, not in my house where I can go nuts.

    And some just won't cross my lips again. Not worth it!
  • Congrats on stopping!! I totally agree, I have to totally abstain from eating my trigger foods or else I will totally go nuts.
  • ahh yes..its always the first bite that kills...
  • Yes, if ice cream is a trigger food for you, doesn't matter what kind it is. I can eat chocolate or vanilla yogurt ice cream in 1/2 cup portions, but they are rather plain. I don't go near regular as I'm L/I (lactose intolerant) but I don't want to tempt fate either. A friend asked me to try peanut butter chocolate chip and I said "No way, Jose -- not going there". Thankfully, I can use the L/I excuse to turn that stuff down ...

    I still have a list of trigger foods that I avoid at all costs; and, as Kaplods says, "It's much easier to avoid a trigger food, than trying to fight it!"
  • I, most of the time, cannot just have "some", so I just have to abstain.
  • Ice cream I can eat. I have a half cup portion in a ramekin and enjoy eating it slowly.

    Cookies, coffee cake, and cinnamon rolls, especially when I've made them, I cannot even take a bite at this point. It doesn't matter if I'm hungry or feel full. I want to just keep eating.
  • From my experience.....never eat out of the bag or box!
    Measure out a serving, or how many calories you want to eat before...put it away, and go enjoy elsewhere! It helps a lot! (I am a sucker for mint oreo ice cream!)

    Quote: My wife brought home a half-gallon of Publix Cookies 'n Cream ice cream the other day ("But it's yogurt!" she said). I had a few hundred calories left in my budget for the day one night, so I decided to have a bit before bedtime. You know - a sweet treat. Big mistake. One or two spoonfuls turned into seven or eight, and I was lucky to stop there. I'm pretty sure I went over my calorie budget for the day after working so hard to keep it. I know now to not take so much as a bite of ice cream (i.e. "frozen yogurt") from now on. It's just too tempting to indulge.
  • Deciding not to even take a bite next time is a smart move.

    I have foods like that. I can't eat just a little - it makes everything SO much worse. And sometimes, even if I portion it out, it triggers me to eat too much of something or everything, not just the one food.

    I say fleeing that battle is a good idea - the bloodshed's not worth a few bites.
  • Ugh, I did this the other day with wheat thins and light dip. Not that bad if planned for and eaten in moderation. Mine was neither. Thankfully it didn't do too much damage as the rest of my week was pretty on track with my food choices.