back again and really need help...

  • hi everyone i have been in a constant battle with my weight.. well the last 5 years i was in a horrible relationship that made me gain weight.. loose it and then gain it again.. well i am no longer in that relationship and im the highest weight i have ever been im only 21 and 5 foot tall and i weigh 190 and its really hard on my body. i hurt all the time and i cant handle looking at my body anymore just makes me depressed and real un happy about myself.. well now i am at my dads hes starting dialysis soon im going to start a new job here and i started to get my ged so makes me happy i can finally do something with my life.. anywho.. i really need some advice... how did you all start? what kind of things can help me loose weight? now that i am no longer in albuquerque and the current town i am in has no fast food reesturants so that helps me alot...
  • I would say make small goals and reward yourself for them with a big reward at the end. Start by finding out what your needs are as far as your calorie intake based on how active you are. Those things helped me before and are starting to help me again.
  • Start simple.

    Take a walk. Maybe consider doing a PALA challenge while you explore various activities to see what you like.

    Keep a food log. NO CHANGES. Just for a week or two for these reasons -- get used to logging, and see what you eat to maintain the weight where you are at.

  • Find a thread that can motivate you. Take one day at a time and try to eat as healthy as you can. Take it slow and you will reach your goal.
  • Hi NMgirl -- want to send some good wishes vibes your way. I'm new, and I'm going to count calories. That has worked for me in the past. Also, being in a bad relationship can be one of the fastest ways to lose sight of taking care of our needs and that only helps pack on the pounds. You're lucky to be in a place without fast food.....we have one on each corner in this town. Sometimes though I think I'd find a way to overeat even if I was on the moon!!!

    Hang in there though
  • also nm girl, check out the message from carrie, and down near the bottom is a post from elliemar -- she has done it -- and her post about "my journey" is very inspirational and it over twice and it will help you feel better. Hug
  • TY Elizabeth

    Welcome, nmgirl - you've definitely come to the right place. I'd echo what others have said - start by setting small goals, logging your food etc. It'll give you a clear picture of what you're doing and what you need to do to move forward. Just never give up even if you have a bad week - keep at it and the results WILL come!