Eat Stop Eat and Fast-5 2012

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  • This thread is dedicated to Intermittent Fasting of any type, although most of us are doing either Fast-5 or Eat Stop Eat.

    It is a continuation of the other Eat Stop Eat thread.
    Everyone is Welcome, whether you are new to IF or a seasoned IFer.
    So happy Intermittent Fasting is growing in popularity.

    Hope you find this thread helpful and encouraging.
  • Yay, I found it!

  • Good Morning IFers.

    Thanks Italianne for starting our new thread.

    Yesterday wasn't one of my best days of making healthier choices, but as was pointed out some of the things I read when I researched IF... I didn't gain anything. In fact, I dropped a lb and obviously it was because what I ate was within my 8 hr window. It was also a very busy day for me. Lots of running around running errands that I don't usually have to make. Today will be healthier choices.

    I love how IF works. I also love IE (Intuitive Eating) and love how IE and IF combines so well. I had such a difficult time getting out of the "diet" mind set. The one thing I always hated about dieting is that I was always thinking about food thinking about can I have this or I can't have that etc. Now I don't have that problem any more. DH eats one main meal a day and I do have to decide what to make for that meal, but I decide that first thing in the morning. The rest of the day I just decide what I want to eat intuitively, but I eat within my 8 hr window. I am thoroughly pleased to have found IF.

    Have a good day!
  • Quote: Yay, I found it!

    Me too

    Thanks for starting a new one!
  • Here! That's a relief, was starting to sweat
  • Yay, we are here..haha
    Hello everybody!! So glad it is Friday!

    Pattygirl I am also very happy to have discovered IF and the great self control it has taught me

    Yesterday I ended up doing a 20 1/2 hour fast and ate within a 4hr window,its so nice how IF is becoming pretty easy and natural, dont really think about it too much, becoming part of my daily routine, yay!!
    I weighed this morning (official weigh in day is Monday) and have gone down to 142, which i havent seen in years, makes me happy and motivated, but in know the # will be diff. on Monday (would love for it to stay at 142 tho heehee)...

    Happy day to all!!!!
  • Nice to see you here KTucke7, I know you will be a great help since you are at your goal weight and have had great success with IF.
  • Well, its just two and half hours left til the weekend for me now! I'm so glad, been a long week.

    I'm fasting today, will probably only make it 20-21 hours today. Ate way too late last night which has made this fast one of my harder ones.

    I am probably going to be very busy weekend, putting wood floors down in our family room this weekend. So while I won't be getting much rest, I will get in lots of exercise!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • Esmi - Congratulations on you "unofficial" loss. Isn't it great????

    wvuchick - Great job hanging in there.

    Ktucke7 - Glad you found us. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    pattygirl63 - You have a great attitude and the right mind set.

    Sum38 - Glad you found us.

    I hope everyone else finds us.

    I feel great, no loss since I took off my vacation weight, but I think I'm in for a downward move on the scale - you know how you can just tell sometimes?

    We have friends joining us for dinner. They are Vegan, so I made a Potato/lemon/garlic salad, Eggplant stuffed portobellas and a large green salad. OMG, I must stop thinking about it. Dinner is still 4 hours away LOL. Then I will do my weekly 24 fast. Hoping to begin seeing the downward trend again. Boy, you really lose a few weeks when you've gone on vacation.

    Have a great IF day, everyone!
  • I am so excited to tell y'all that thanks to IF that my FBS was 95 today... the lowest it has been since I found out I was T2 diabetic almost 2 years ago. YAY
  • KTucke7 - Glad you are here and looking forward to hearing your story and what you learned along the way till you made goal.

    esmi134 - I agree, it is great how this seems to become just a "natural" way of eating.

    wvuchick - Interesting observation... I have days that are tougher to make the 16 + hours fast, I thought maybe it was what I ate the night before. I hadn't thought about maybe I ate too late. Thanks for sharing that.

    Italiannie - I think it really helps me not to think "diet" any more. I'm just eating when I'm hungry and as much as I feel I need within the 8 hr window and that has helped me loads.

    Hope everyone has a great week end.
  • I need to get back on track. I've been eating at all weird times and gained 2 pounds back (not horrible but I rather nip this in the butt right now).
  • Hi, Fasters! I have a few questions that I'm hoping you guys can answer for me:

    First, some background: I'm already at my goal weight and have been trying to maintain since November. I've been doing it, but it's been difficult because I feel as if I still have some bad eating habits (e.g., overeating at night, pigging out on sweets, etc.), and I'm worried about regain. I'm trying to find a way to be more structured with my eating. I don't fast, but I'm really interested in it because when I've toyed with it in the past, I've found that I do better when I just flat out don't eat for a period of time rather than eating just a little (because the latter seems to spur my appetite). I've read a bit on the net about various types of fasting, and I know for sure that something like Fast-5 would not work for me because at least 2-3 times a week, my husband likes to go out to breakfast. Even though breakfast has never been my thing, it's his thing, and he looks forward to the "event" of eating it, so I don't want to be the killjoy.


    1) So, I'm thinking of this: What if 3-4 times a week I were to stop eating at around 6 p.m. and then don't eat the next day's breakfast/brunch until 11 a.m. (which is VERY easy for me)? That would be 17 hours without food. Is that enough of a fast to be beneficial?

    2) Also, I like a tablespoon of half-and-half in my morning coffee. I know that having that is technically breaking the fast, but do any of you have cream in your morning coffee even in your fasting state?

    3) Finally, I am definitely a morning exerciser (usually I'll be working out something between 6 - 8:30 a.m.). Most of the time, I do not eat before I exercise because I can "feel" the food, and it makes exercising uncomfortable. However, now that I'm on maintenance, I find that I get hungrier after exercising (whereas this wasn't as much of a problem while I was losing). I can probably ride out that hunger, but do you think there would be any ill effects, physically, from me exercising intensely in the morning but waiting until 11 - Noon to eat?

    ETA 4) Do any of you cut back on carbs at all in addition to fasting? I don't, but I've often thought that I should have a few days of lower carbs to see whether that might help control my appetite. (Can you tell that a big goal of mine is figuring out how to control my massive need for carbs/sweets?)

  • Morning

    Our glorious bonus summer ended

    My eating has been "poor" at its best, but I have been pretty good about 5-7 hour eating window. -- Oh how I dislike my monthly visitor... by the time she actually gets here, it isn't so bad, but the week before. Some one please my mouth shut!! Maybe would help me !! I did not even weigh myself today; it was going to be MUCH higher than my 145.5 I saw on Tuesday Oh well such is life

    lin43 I am really curious about 1/2&1/2...I have skipped it.

    Vanity9 I hope today is a better day!

    pattygirl63 That is fantastic!!

    Italiannie That meal sounds DELISH! You made me I hope you had a pleasant evening!

    wvuchick 20-21 H is still a good fast! -- I am looking forward to summer. I get up 6 am right now and the day seems so long when I fast. Hoping to sleep in till 8 am will make my fasting so much easier.

    esmi134 on 142!! ....even if the scale does not show that on Monday, you know it is just around the corner waiting for you!

  • Lin-43 - Congrats on your success!
    I think a 17 hour fast sounds fine, if it works for you. Many do a 16 hour fast with leangains. As far as the half and half, generally speaking, it's considered breaking your fast if you consume more than 50 calories.

    I can't help you with the waiting to eat after your exercise. There is much info on that. You can try it. I know that many do exercise in a fasted state, but I'm not sure if waiting too long would hurt you. Sorry I can't help you out there.

    I do find that when I cut back on my carbs that my weight loss is better and I feel better, I think that many find that to be true. As a rule, though I don't necessarily eliminate any food groups - except Franken food!

    Have a great IF day, everyone!