Vegan two weeks, allergies are not botherng me

  • Two weeks ago -- starting March 8, I switched from lacto ovo to vegan, except for yogurt after a course of antibiotics.

    We are at the height of oak pollen season here. Normally, I would feel like I had a very bad cold for weeks. But to my astonishment, for the first time in 20 years, I have not even noticed that oak pollen is blooming except for the yellow dust all over everything. Yellow dust that has not affected me in the slightest.

    I am stunned and thrilled at this unexpected development. Is this typical?
  • I don't know about typical, but I am vegan, and I feel terrific most of the time. I am very rarely sick. Regardless of what some people say about vegans being pale and sickly. This has not been my experience at all. I'm glad that you've had such terrific results!
  • Not unusual at all. I have been vegan for around a month now and I have had limited health problems. I have allergies too and asthma and I have not had an asthma attack since being vegan.
  • You know, I think there really is something to it. I used to get sick on a fairly regular basis before switching to a plant based diet, but now I never do. I mean really, I never do. I can't remember a single cold in the few years I've been vegan now.

    As for allergies, I recall that years back, some days outside would leave me running for the antihistamines... but it just occurred to me that that hasn't happened for about just as long.

    Whether it's the plant based diet or just a coincidence, it sure is nice.
  • That was the easiest oak pollen bloom I have ever experienced. But today I had three pieces of cheese, it was delicious, but due to poor planning.
  • Really well done lettingslenderin, it's amazing how much a vegan diet can do for your health! I loved being vegan, am def considering going back to it now!