Chronic back pain.

  • Just wanted to see if anyone else had anything like I do back pain wise.
    I have lost 43 pounds and it's helped very little.
    My bottom two lumbar have been fused since birth and it's a medical rarity and no doctors really know what to do about the pain other than throw tramadol at me (I've been on pain killers for years and I'm only 24). I do yoga, but it's not muscle pain, it's actual bone grinding on bone pain.
    How did losing weight affect everyone's back pain once they got to goal?
    I was even in pain when I was a size 8. It's just really frustrating and some days I just want to sit here and cry. I wish there was something I could do to help it. Sometimes exercising helps, but most of the time it just aggravates it.
  • I don't know, but I would think that less weight would mean less strain on your back. Hope losing weight helps you!
  • One would think but even when I was small it was still debilitating at times. :/
  • My husband suffers pertty much from the same pain that you have described. One side of his coccyx is fused and the other side hasn't. On top of that his legs go numb if he sleeps on his back. Going to a good chiropractor has helped him a lot, along with excercising his ab and lower back muscles to take the weight off his lumbar.
  • My left leg goes numb if I lay on my back for too long. I've been to chiropractors, but they can't really put any pressure on the place that they need to be able to because it hurts so much. I've been doing yoga for years and some days it helps tremendously and others it doesn't at all.

    I'm thinking about having the Rossiter Method done. My mom had it done and said she felt amazing afterwards.
  • If I was in your position, I would certainly investigate it. Have you looked into acupuncture? I've never had it done, but several years ago when my migraines were horrible, I was about to try it. The neurologist fixed me first, so I never did it, but I would consider it again if I thought it would help me.
  • I've thought about acupuncture too. I feel like that would help a lot, the only concern I have with that is I have this problem where my muscles in my shoulders/back are so tight that I'm worried they'll do what my mom's did and lock themselves around the needles. It's definitely worth a shot though.
  • Wow, what happened to your mom sounds painful! I wonder if that was a fluke reaction, or if it was acupuncturist error..... Do acupuncturists do consultations before the needles go in?
  • Hey, I've had chronic back pain since puberty (scoliosis and sciatica) and here's what helps:

    1) STRENGTHEN your core. This means a whole array of crunches and sit-ups.
    2) Good posture! I wear a back brace when I know I'm going to be doing repetitive motions at work or whatever but watch how you're maintaining yourself.
    3) Take vitamins. I take glucosamine and calcium supplements for joint/bone health.
    4) Relax! Bubble baths, heating pads, a glass of wine If you're having a bad day, try and keep a smile on your face. Optimism works.

    I realize that these tips are focusing on muscles because you can't really do anything about your bone structure without surgery. BUT if you tone up your back muscles, it will help support your spine. It's hard to stay positive when you're in so much pain but keep going! Never stop trying to find new ways to manage your pain in a healthy way.
  • I had a natural fusion in the lower lumbar region. I was getting a lot of pain there and elsewhere.
    I have to drink 24 ounces of whole milk daily and eat a banana every day, or else I get muscle spasms, sciatica, TMJ, and bone pain. I can't substitute any pills for the natural foods. That just does not work at all. And lower fat milk will not work at all.
    I prefer whole milk and bananas to all the pain, so I stick to eating both daily.

    All are high in calories, but I have to eat this way, or I suffer from really bad pain. I don't have pain anymore, but it will come back if I don't eat the bananas and milk.

    I have to count in all the calories, so my weight loss is slower than others.

  • Quote: Hey, I've had chronic back pain since puberty (scoliosis and sciatica) and here's what helps:

    3) ...I take glucosamine and calcium supplements for joint/bone health.
    Do you have erratic heart beat or high blood pressure? Glucosamine has been found to produce both conditions in some people.
    Search the internet for information on these side effects of glucosamine.

  • Quote: Do you have erratic heart beat or high blood pressure? Glucosamine has been found to produce both conditions in some people.
    Search the internet for information on these side effects of glucosamine.

    Are you sure it's glucosamine? I've looked and there are no indications that those are side effects. The only thing I've seen slightly dangerous is that in theory, it could cause bleeding for those with existing bleeding conditions. There has been no evidence it does but it is a possibility.