Anyone still on the 17 day diet?

  • Anyone still on the 17 day diet? Just got my book starting Monday, Please share your story if you lost and how much.....
  • i'm on it and have lost about 8 lbs. I'm into the 2nd week of Cycle 1. Are you still doing it? I'd love to have someone to chat with to stay motivated. I have some challenging days coming up so I could use some motivation. I'll be gone for a few days but will return Sat. I'll try to check online later today. Stick with it!
  • Yes I am on it. I am doing it 4th time. The rate of weight loss has decreased. I am on R4c3d8.
  • I was on it, but only had the book not the right foods,, so I spent today cleaning out frig and cabinets and went shopping, so Ill be starting fresh in the morning! I feel this is my last hope, I have been on every diet there is,, I even did the ear staples a few years ago lol,,,I did not eat for a week but it didnt last, just got bad infected ear from it..guess I should have known lol. I sure hope I have the luck you two ladies have had, keep up the good work!! Hope to see you both back here soon, there is not many people to talk to that are still doing this,, we have to stick together
  • STick with it! Remember - it's not luck - it's all up to you. I have cheated a little and felt that that kept me going instead of sidetracking me. I had a craving so I had a cookie (or 2!) but then just kept on going and didn't pig out. Exercise is the key. If you can get yourself to exercise then you have half the battle won. I'm looking forward to some carbs on Thurs when I start Cycle 2. Puneri - I started out at about the same weight as you so you're an inspiration. What's your goal weight? I think I'm shooting for about 150 for now so I have about 24 lbs to lose to reach that goal. I'll see how I look and feel at that weight (it's been so long!).

    Let's do keep talking. I love to hear any tips and want to cheer you all on with your loss!!!
  • My goal weight is 130, which I may acieve after 20 years.I am already feel bored. Though I eat good most of the time and exercise also. I feel i will lose in cycle 1.
  • Hey started running day before yest, yest off, today ran about 505 feet 2 times.
  • Good for you. I will never be a runner. I have weird feet. You crack me up. Measuring it by the feet, eh? I had some measurements taken yesterday and I'm down 10 lbs and 4 inches off my waist! I almost have waist! I want to lose 10 more lbs by April 6 when I leave to visit a friend in Puerto Rico. She's there for a year and I'm taking my 12 yr old to visit her friend (my friend's daughter). Bathing suit - eek!
  • I am planning on starting this in about three weeks. Excited to see how well you all do in that time!
  • I am 160.2 today, after Jumbo buffet ..vege and chicken
  • I'm so jealous! I'm at 171 and am dying to get in the 160s. I seem to always get stuck in the low 170s. I feel so much better after losing 11 lbs though. I am on a mission to lose at least 6 more lbs before I leave on my trip. I had a bad day with some girl scout cookies the other day. I felt awful after I ate them and now I have a big zit to really make it worse. Hope it keeps me away from them!
  • Iam starting the 17 day diet tomorrow. Sure hope it works! I know it will work if I can stick to it. I have such a problem with "sticking to it" Hoping that support here will help. I usually do a week of dieting, lose a few pounds and then revert back to eating more than I shoulod. I eat very healthy but just too much I guess now that I am 54 and going through Menopause.
  • Yest 158.6 after 2 days rest from exercise.
  • I finally broke through the 170s this morning. Hope it's not just a wacky scale! SarainBC, let us know how it's going. You can do this! The first week and a half is the hardest. I even did some cheating and still lost, but when I did cheat I just kept on going. Are you exercising? That's key, even if you just walk. I lost 8 lbs and 4 inches off my waist in the first 2 weeks so if I can do this so can you! Puneri - how do you get the cute little scale thing on your posts? I want one!
  • coloradomomtogirl,
    I am struggling for more than a year. I started at 182..184. I am almost 60 years old. So, you will be faster than me, do not worry.