Headaches, headaches and more headaches

  • Yesterday, my doctor prescribed a drug for my headaches. It's for migraine and tension headaches and mine are tension. It is called Midrin. Anyone ever hear of this?

    Also, does anyone have any miracle suggestions for headaches?

  • Judy -- my teenage son also suffers from tension headaches and we are also searching for a solution. He wakes up with a headache every morning. He originally tried Midrin and it took away a lot of the pain, but it has a sedative in it and he immediately went to sleep for 15 hours! That wasn't going to work with going to high school. Next he tried Elavil, in increasing doses, but that hasn't worked either. He is now trying Inderal, which is a beta-blocker used to treat tension and migraine headaches as well as high blood pressure. We were told that we'd see results in a week or so, so I'll keep you posted. The doctor said that biofeedback works for some people and that may be an option down the road.

    We also got my son a dental mouthguard to be worn while he is sleeping to prevent bruxism -- teeth clenching and grinding.

    Good luck! I hope that you can find a solution that works for you.
  • Hi. You know if they are tension headaches, they are probably caused from the neck. Anyone tried a Chiro. That usually works for me; however, to treat myself, I bought an electric stimulator machine. You can see it at www.drhonow.com It is an excellent purchase. I have FM and arthritis and really don't think I could get along without it. It is about 99.00 USD. Certainly worth a look and it is far better than meds.

    Have a good day. Anne
  • Hi,
    I get migraines, and use Midrin, or Imitrex if they get bad. I have had lots of luck with the Midrin if I catch the headache at the "right" time. I tend to get symptoms before the pain starts, and if I can catch it right as the headache starts the Midrin almost always helps, if not completely takes away the pain. I have never had it make me tired, it actually has an effect similar to caffine for me, and I sometimes get a little jittery from it, and it always causes me trouble sleeping if I take it to close to bed time.

    My dr also put me on a low dose of an anti-depressant, Ellivile (I think is what it was called), when I was getting the headaches several times a week, and it seemed to help alot also.

    I hope it works for you. Good Luck
  • Fellow Migraneur
    I am also a migraine sufferer, for over 11 years... I have tried midrin, with good results, but, in my experience, it lost its effectiveness rather quickly. I have tried, literally, everything on the market for migraines. I am currently taking Zomig and Relpax, both of which are used after the onset of the migraine, not to prevent them. I have used inderal, but was taken off of it b/c it made my blood pressure too low. There is no miracle cure for migraines/tension headaches, altho I do agree looking into a chiro, they have helped me a great deal. You also might want to try a memory foam support pillow for your son, I use one for shoulder issues, and its a godsend! Try this website, its a support forum, much like this one, and they have terrific info on all types of headaches, treatments, etc. Also have a GREAT teen section, and a "Men Only" section. http://headaches.about.com/ I hope this helps you and your son!