Getting out of the 180's

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  • I looked back 5 or 6 pages and didn't see a thread for the 180's so I thought I'd just start one myself.

    I just made it to 189.4 today. =) The last time I specifically remember being in the 180's was my freshman year of high school when we got weighed in gym class. 14 years.... talk about a long time. I can't wait to make it to the 170's. That's preteen weight territory for me!
  • I'm 189.6 today, I keep dropping under the 190 mark and then bouncing back over. Here is hoping I can stay under it this time!

    And last time I was at this weight I was 18, I'm 32 now. I turn 33 in April and really hope I'll be in the 170s before my birthday, that would be awesome!
  • I was at 181.6, close enough to taste the 170's...and then I had a cheat day over the weekend and BAM! Back up to 185.4
    I probably won't lose it anytime soon, either, because my TOTM will be here any minute now.
    Anyway, hope you guys see some movement! I'm so excited to get in the 170's!
    At 174, I will a) no longer be obese, and...
    b) be at the weight I was when I first met my boyfriend
  • Ash I'm so looking forward to being over weight and not obese. I'm the same height as you, bring on the 174! Which is probably about what I weighed when I met my husband, so also a goal.

    I'm just loving that I finally weigh less than him for the first time in our relationship (we've been together since high school, 16 years!)
  • 188.5 today, heading in the right direction
  • Thank you HealthyG. =)

    Jitter & Ash, I'm right there with you guys! 5'4 and my next goal is that 174 to get out of being obese. We definitely need to motivate each other since we're all currently going for the exact same thing. Jitter, I finally weight less than my husband for the first time since I've known him as well. We met when I was 15. Every new decade is so exciting for me because I haven't seen them in so long, out of being obese is so huge too. I've been in the obese range since I was probably 10 or 11, shoot maybe even younger. I cannot wait to not be obese for the first time in my adult life!

    Tomorrow is my first of the month weighin, and I do pictures and measurements, hoping to see some movement.
  • Its actually awesome that we're all the same height and all in the same place.

    Do you measure every month? I measured for a challenge that I'm taking part in but otherwise I don't measure. I never really know where to measure LOL and I can't work out if I'm doing it in the same place. I guess if you do it regularly you know you're doing it in the same spot. Perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book and do it once a month.
  • I measure the 1st of every month but I just started in January. I decided I wanted to keep track of progress by more than just the scale. Especially since the weight loss is slowing down now that I don't have nearly as much to lose. I also started focusing more on strength training so the shape of my body is changing a lot even though I'm not dropping the big numbers anymore.

    February wasn't the greatest month. I only lost 4.2lbs total and I didn't work out nearly enough. My measurements didn't change too much since Feb 1st. But it's still nice to see the difference. I lost 1/2 inch off my bust and waist, 1/4 inch off each bicep and 1/2 inch off each thigh. And yeah, it's probably not completely accurate, but I just try to go with the thickest section of each body part so hopefully its close enough to the original place I measured. So since I started taking my measurements I've lost 11.2lbs, but I also know I've lost 10 1/4 inches total too. =)

    I'm going to try to up my game in March and make it out of the 180's. I need to do better with my strength training too so hopefully my next measurements I'll see some awesome changes.
  • I reallllllllllllly wish I would have measured myself when I first started this journey so that I could know how far I've come. It's hard to rely on pounds sometimes because it doesn't necessarily mean there has been a big physical change.

    Anyway, I'm back down to 181.6 It's my TOM, too. Maybe I won't be in the 180's too much longer, but we'll see. I've been seeing this number for over 2 weeks now (except when I gained that 4 pounds over the weekend) :/

    It's difficult being 5'4", we're still pretty short so we look a big pudgier! I really wish I had just two more inches to use, it would make all the difference in the world

    Lol, anyway...good luck to you ladies! I hope we can all say goodbye to the obese category very soon!
  • I'd like to say goodbye to the 180s this month as well but we'll see how it goes. I return to work after a four month vacation so I don't think I'll get as much exercise in and less control of eating. But it would be nice!

    I wish I had measurements from my heaviest, I don't any have a pic! But i do have my "fat pants", the only item of clothing I've kept that is too big. I put them on now and OMG can't believe I once fitted them.
  • Well...I might be out of the 180's! This morning I weighed myself at 181, but then I thought hey, let's try this with my clothes off. So, I got undressed and the scale was down to 179.8!! I'm not going to hold my breath because it's still sooo close to the 180 mark, but we'll see in a few days.
  • So I'm going to jump in here and kinda spoil the 5'4 height thing

    I weighed in at 184.4 today. Lowest I got this week was 183.8 but keep shooting back up to that number. 170's would be touching on middle school weight before I shot up like a bean sprout and decided to grow some hips and butt . Can't wait to get there

    AshNStuff- GAHH thats exciting. I really hope the scale stays there for you.

    jitterfish- Are those pants going to be used for an epic goal picture?

    TooManyDimples- I wish I had the patience to keep up with measurements.
  • Not a problem Baker, the more the merrier. =)

    I don't have measurements from my heaviest, but I did take them a couple of times last year when I was in the heavier weight range. The first time was at 245. From 245 to 189 there are some pretty big differences. I've lost about 5 inches off my chest, 6 off my waist, 10 off my hips, about 3 from each bicep, and 7 off each thigh. You don't always see the difference even when the scale is moving down, but you can't deny the changes in the measurements. It's definitely worth it to start even now if you think it would help with motivation.
  • baker23, yep I'm holding on to those pants for that exact reason. I took a progress pic wearing them, 194lb

    Today I'm sitting at 188, which is 85.4kg, I really want 85kg this weekend so I'm trying to really think and stay on plan.
  • I hit 189.0 this morning! I'm sure I will be hanging around for awhile! I can't wait to hit 185 - that will take me out of the "obese" BMI range!