getting ready for lapband

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  • I'm in the process of getting lapband surgery...that is to say I have to pay for it all myself with no coverage so I am paying into it, but haven't set the date I want. The date I have is August 17, 2012, but I'm hoping to move it sooner in the year. I wasn't an overweight child, but I gained a lot during puberty and in high school. I was told I have PCOS symptoms, but the doctor wasn't comfortable confirming a diagnosis. I've been looking into the banding procedure for the last 4 years. My highest weight was...well...I stopped weighing myself at 320lbs. I've lost 80lbs the "natural way", then rebounded back up 40lbs. I find now that I can't get below 270 lbs so I've decided to commit to lapbanding as a tool to help me control my food. Exercise isn't a problem. I walk to and from work part way (1.5km each way), plus a few times a week I stop in at the gym on the way home. I've had personal trainers tell me I work out TOO exercise isn't really an issue, it's my portion sizes and I never really feel full when I eat. Out of this I'm hoping to finally feel what it's like to feel full and learn how much to eat. I'm not a fan of really greasy food, or sweets, or anything like that. I find I just eat too much of a good thing.

    I joined this site to see what other people's experiences have been and although I have support from friends and family to do this, it would be nice to get support from people who have been through the process too.

    Take care all
  • Hi Jozzie -

    welcome aboard! as you can see, I made your post its own thread so that more people will see it. i didn't realize that canada's health insurance doesn't cover lapband. here's hoping it all works out for you.
  • Thanks jiffypop,

    Canada's health insurance for my province of Ontario will cover gastric bypass but does not cover lapband. My insurance through work doesn't cover lapband or any part of the surgical procedure (such as the equipment or doctors) however it will help with cosmetic surgery if it is disfiguring in nature. I've done a lot of research when I'd stumbled across this site, and I'm very happy to have found it.

    All the best to everyone working on their weightloss journey
  • I've been booked in for surgery on April 5th. I'm really hoping everything will go well. I've had my gall bladder removed 3 years ago and I lost a lot of weight from just that, but I can't get under 270 recently. I'm familiar with the pain of upper abdominal laproscopic surgery. I still have my abdominal binders from last time to help support my abdomen so the incisions aren't pulled on too much by my excess "fluff" haha.

    I'm both excited and very nervous, but I do have the support of my mother and sister, the co-workers who know, and my close friends. They know how much I've put in at the gym, how much I watch what I eat, and by no means is this an easy answer but another tool I can use to reach my goals.
  • I'm curious as to how you decided on the band. Did you also research the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG)? Like the band, it is a restriction-only procedure (no intestinal re-routing), but unlike the band, you wouldn't have the additional expenses of fills/unfills (since you said you are self-paying).
  • My MIL just had the lap band procedure done a couple of months ago and she is doing great. Adjusting to the smaller foods was the biggest issue but that was a mental issue. Good luck with everything!!!!
  • Quote: I'm curious as to how you decided on the band. Did you also research the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG)? Like the band, it is a restriction-only procedure (no intestinal re-routing), but unlike the band, you wouldn't have the additional expenses of fills/unfills (since you said you are self-paying).
    I decided on the lapband because it's adjustable. The place I am going to offers free fill adjustments while you have the band as well as access to nutritionists/dieticians, counsellors, and behavior coaching as well. They follow you closely for the first 5 years to make sure you're successful. On top of that I work in a health clinic so I have access to medical professionals that can step in and tell me if I don't look well during my work day...not to mention we have dieticians and counsellors there as well. I consider myself very lucky.

    I'm not approaching it only for weight-loss, but a lifestyle change as well.

    Recently I've heard of some horror stories that are making me more nervous, but I stand by me decision. I'd rather go through and try it to know for sure if it would have worked for me or not. Hopefully it will be in the positive.
  • Hi Jozzie,

    Congrats on your decision. I have had the band since 2005. I am not at goal but like any weight loss tool you have to watch what you eat, and my problem is sweets...yep (oh and exercise ). I do not regret my decision what so ever, actually I thank God at every meal. Don't drive yourself mad with every thing you hear, there is good and bad with any surgery (but its smart to know everything you can, everything).

    Free fills... wow girl, that's wonderful plus nutritionists/dieticians, counsellors, and behavior coaching... I think you will do fantastic given all this support. YAY you !!!

    My only advice for you would be to remember it is a slow weight loss process, until you have the right restriction losing weight could be even slower so keeping that in mind you'll do great.

    Good luck !!!!

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask..that's what we are here for.

  • Quote: The place I am going to offers free fill adjustments while you have the band...
    You're lucky to have found that program (although maybe it's more common in Canada? not sure)! I know most places in the US charge $200-300 per adjustment, and even if insurance did cover the actual surgery, it doesn't always cover the adjustments (which is just silly, if you ask me). Some programs may offer free adjustments, but only for a limited period of time (like during the first year), and the cost is usually just included in a "program fee" charged upfront.
  • Next week I booked an appointment with the dietician to take a look at the detox diet the week before I start it. I want to get an idea of brands she recommends for certain things since I have a gluten and lactose intolerance.

    A friend of mine does her cooking show on youtube and encouraged me to start making videos of my weightloss journey. I've done one video so far and I plan to do more. I had done it before with my diet and exercise, but I want to journal this process as well.
  • Hello! Nice to see another local-area person here!
    FYI, there is a place across from Limeridge Mall that sells protien powder that you can mix with water (for the clear drinks only stage) called 4ever fit. The store is Popeye's. And Shopper's has some good prices on chewable vitamins now ;p haha! I was just there today...
  • Quote: Hello! Nice to see another local-area person here!
    FYI, there is a place across from Limeridge Mall that sells protien powder that you can mix with water (for the clear drinks only stage) called 4ever fit. The store is Popeye's. And Shopper's has some good prices on chewable vitamins now ;p haha! I was just there today...
    Thanks so much for the tip! I'm putting together my pre/post-surgery package and was getting recommendations for brands of things to try. I'll check it out for sure
  • My surgery is set for this upcoming Thursday April 5th, 2012. I went out and purchased my liquid multivitamin, protein powder, and fluids for the days following surgery. I've already started taking the multivitamin in the the liquid form. I work all the way up to the day before surgery. I'm spending the night in a hotel the night before with my mother, and she's driving me back.

    I've taken steps to make sure all my laundry is done, things are easier to access, and started packing my pre/post surgery bag with all that I need in it. All that needs to happen now is to get it done. I really hope I don't get bumped to another day after all the planning that went into taking these days of strategically around the Easter holiday to have more recovery time.

    Anyway, that much closer to my goal of having the surgery
  • Good luck tomorrow!!!
  • Good luck tomorrow