4 week update...

  • 28th day on the "tweak fit easy food planner" (sorry I can't add the link, not enough posts yet) and 12 cups of water per day. Hopped on the scale this morning and have lost 14.4 pounds in those 28 days. Running a 1000 calorie per day deficit eating 1600 and burning 2600. Walking 5 miles per day at 3.0 mph on the treadmill. When I go for a walk outside it's almost like I'm tring to keep up with myself if that makes sense. I've lost a couple more pounds so far then expected, not sure what to make of it. Cutting out all processed food, soda and munchies has really accelerated this weight loss so far I guess. I do expect to level off somewhat though. See ya next time!

    january 20th, 231.8, february 17th, 217.4


    That is real dedication and it looks like it was rewarded on the scale.

    Sometimes, it's nice just to see that our bodies 'can' do the right thing and respond to positive changes.

    When you're heavy it's easy to get into that mindset that things just don't work the way they are supposed to, but it's very inspiring to see that they do and it's just a matter of commitment and time.

    In the next 30 days you will be MUCH closer to Onederland!!
  • Fantastic progress, great to see you are sticking to something that is going so well for you!!! Onderland soon!
  • Thanks for the thumbs up ladies. The "onederland" term is inspiring. I have an agreement with myself that once I get to 190 it's off to vegas for some clothes shopping TTFN
  • thats amazing progress and such commitment you have, kudos to you and then some!!
  • Well done. I love reading these stores of other people's success as I have just joined here. Good luck