Third Times a Charm -- Right?

  • Ok; I guess I'll just jump in!

    I'm a 28 year old wife and mom, who needs to lose weight. I've been a member here for forever. I don't even remember when I first joined. But my weight struggle is ten years old, and today (Valentines day) I hit the scales at my highest weight ever. A flat 300 pounds.

    Ten and a half years ago? I was 18, I was 125 pounds and I had the optimism of most kids my age.

    Today? I've gone on a long journey, that was nothing like I thought it was. I've steadily gained weight - once, four years ago losing thirty pounds before gaining it back plus seventy more.

    My husband is a truck driver, traveling for four to six weeks at a time, then home for four days before he leaves again. (I myself spent four years as a truck driver, but with a young daughter the gypsy lifestyle just isn't a good one!) So I spend the bulk of my time as a single mom - something that has led to depression, consumption of fast food and an addiction to baking (and eating) which needs to change.

    At this point (300 pounds) I've decided that I am giving myself the best possibly Valentines Day Gift - a new life. I am not setting any real goals - aside from a few small ones - 5% and 10% loss. I really just want to make better choices, get a little healthier so I can enjoy life with my daughter and to help her NOT to live this lifestyle.
  • Welcome to the forum! Congrats on making the decision to get healthy and change your life.
    Do you know what food plan you are going to follow? There is a ton of information about many different food plans on this site. Pick a plan that fits in your lifestyle and you can follow long term. I chose calorie counting because it is free and flexible. It allows me to eat almost anything I wanted as long as it fits within my calorie range for the day and there are ton of free apps out there to help you track your food.
    Give up the sugary drinks and drink lots and lots of water.
    Incorporate some exercise into your weekly routine. You do not have to join an expensive gym try to walk more, use the stairs more, download videos off of YouTube or to work out to. There are a lot of things you can to do with spending a ton of money.
    Lastly, if you have a bad meal, a bad day, heck, a bad food week. Do NOT let this be a reason to throw in the towel. Get back on track at the next meal. You can do this!!!
    Best of luck to you!
  • Welcome. I'm starting over again as well. It seems like 230 is my weight that I keep running back up to.
    I got down under 200 and was doing great, then I hurt my back (I have degenerative disc disease - which means I'm constantly in pain) and between the meds, pain and the inability to work out I went from 196 to 230 in less than 6 months.
    I am also addicted to food. It is a daily battle.
    Good luck. I'm here if you need motivation or just to chat.
  • Jacque, welcome, glad to have you join us. I suggest you look for a Challenge or Support group to join; small check-in groups make it easier to connect, get involved, and be accountable. We have groups centering around specific diet plans, themes, or age groups, so find one that inspires you and just post to join! Be sure to check out the 20-somethings.