Questions for those who have lost weight.

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  • I am not sure if this is a good place to post this....
    I suppose some of these are weird questions but I am wondering!!!

    For those who haven't lost weight, I'd still like to know your answers to the "before" questions, and if anyone has any answers they'd like to contribute, I'd like to know!

    How much weight have you lost?
    Did people notice?
    Has your confidence changed?
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier?
    Does your ring size get smaller?
    How different is your life?
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much?
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before?
    Do you look thinner to yourself?
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening?
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family?
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before?
    How many does it take now?
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where?
    Do you chafe now?
    Are jeans more comfortable?
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other?
    Can you now?
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before?
    Does it now?
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it?
    Are you happier now?
    Were you unhappy before?
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight?
    What made you decide to lose weight?
  • How much weight have you lost? 20 pounds so far. Another 15-20 to go.
    Did people notice? Not really. Just my BFF because shes very superficial and if you are not a size 6, than you fail kinda thing. She noticed my thighs are a bit smaller.
    Has your confidence changed? Sure does. I finally went down 1 pant size the other day and now I feel like I'm some hot model. Of course, this will fade off and when I lose another pant size, I'm sure the same feeling will come back.
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? I didn't have a problem with it before.
    Does your ring size get smaller? YES! I never thought I had any chub on my fingers, but apparently I did. I have to be careful the darn things don't fall off.
    How different is your life? With actually sticking to a plan and seeing the changes, I have more confidence. I don't feel like people dont wanna be my friend because "im fat". I also don't think everyone is judging every single thing I buy at the grocery store. Before I felt like people would see that I have a box of cookies in my cart and judge me super bad.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? My whole chest area is smaller. I was a 36 to 38 C. Now all my bras are to big and have to be tightened to the smallest one, and the cup size is a bit big, but I'm not small enough for a B
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes I go out to eat. Erm, it depends on the day on if I change what I eat. I calorie count, so if I have enough calories to get a clubhouse sandwich, than I will. If I am low on calories that day I get a salad.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Nope. I notice the my stomach is slightly less bloated but thats it. However, when I pinch certain areas, I can tell that there is less chub.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Nope.
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? My family annoys the heck out of me. Everytime they see me (I live with them, so its often)... all I hear is "Omg, miss skinny mini. Look at how skinny you are"... and its like I'm not skinny, I'm just not as fat as before
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? None of them are good. I felt silly having my husband take a picture of me in a my undies looking sooo bad. One at each angle and I was done because I was laughing and feeling awkward.
    How many does it take now? I have not lost enough for an after picture yet.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? My skin was fine, but the upper thigh area of my pants would always always get holes in them every all the rubbing together when I walked. The crotch of the pant always faded way before any other part of the jean. It was bad.
    Do you chafe now? The thigh part of the pants are meeting less and less with the other leg.
    Are jeans more comfortable? Sure are. I'm not longer squishing into a size that was too small just because I refused to go up another size.
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? I could before, but it was my muscles and non-flexibleness that made it uncomfortable
    Can you now? I've been stretching a lot more so it has become more comfortable.
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Yes, I always felt like people would be looking at me and mooing.
    Does it now? Nope. You can't tell that I have lost weight, but going down 1 jean size and just having more energy has boosted my confidence.
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? Sure do. that's why I am going to keep on going until I can wear that silly itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini (but maybe blue dots.. I'm a redhead and yellow looks pretty bad on me lol)
    Are you happier now? Yes. I don't feel like the fat girl in class that everyone would be sad to get partnered with.
    Were you unhappy before? I've always been a really happy person. But the last few months before I decided to start eating better I was slowly becoming more and more depressed.
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? Since I was 14 years old. I turn 22 next month. I've always tried to lose weight since I was 17, but I would give up and not try very hard.
    What made you decide to lose weight? When my clothes stopping fitting and I was becoming a size 14/15 and when the scale was closing in the 170s.. Thats how much my BFF weighed when she was PREGNANT. I had no excuse. I was also bigger then my freaking mother. In my mind, someone should not be a bigger pant size than their mom when they are only 22.
  • How much weight have you lost? - nearly 60 lbs so far
    Did people notice? - I'm sure theydid but most people that would comment on it already knew that I was losing weight.
    Has your confidence changed? - my confidence has definitely changed! I feel like guys might actually be looking at me now (i have a bf but it's still nice to feel like guys look)
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? - I never really thought it *** hard before
    Has it gotten easier? - it probably has gotten easier
    Does your ring size get smaller? - definitely! My college ring falls off now so I don't wear it. I'm waiting until I get a little closer to my goal before I get it resized
    How different is your life? - well it's extremely different but I also just graduated from college. I go out more even just to the store. I used to hate leaving my apartment sometimes because I was embarrassed about how I looked
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? - they have :/ but not a whole lot. I started around 36c and now I'm 34c but on the smaller side.. and that's probably not even accurate anymore. So my boobs are smaller but they don't look smaller because the rest of me has shrunk even more.
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? - I do go out to eat but not very often and I usually try to stick to places that I can get nutritional information about. I do eat differently than I used to but I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything
    Do you look thinner to yourself? - I do!! Sometimes I see myself in the mirror and am shocked! I can see that I'm thinner but thinking of myself as thin hasn't completely happened yet
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? - I took a lot of pictures so I was able to visually see proof of my progress. I could tell a difference but it always seemed tobe more obvious to other people
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? - I feel like strangers act differently but that's mostly because I act differently too!
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? - I never liked any pictures of me!
    How many does it take now? - only a few. As long as I don't spend too much time looking for flaws! But there are always going to be bad pictures no matter how much you weigh
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? - between my thighs
    Do you chafe now? - I'm not sure! I haven't given myself the opportunity. I got into the habit of wearing shorts or some balm to prevent it so I still do that just in case
    Are jeans more comfortable? - I've always been pretty comfortable in jeans but they definitely fit me a lot better now!
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? - I could somewhat..
    Can you now? - definitely!
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? - I wish I could have even attempted it!
    Does it now? - I'm starting to run and I'm pleased with my progress
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? - definitely so! I hope that I will be able to maintain my weightloss for the rest of my life! My only regret is not starting sooner!
    Are you happier now? - with the way I look and feel yes
    Were you unhappy before? - yes
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? - I've been overweight since middle school possibly but I really started gaining weight maybe three years ago
    What made you decide to lose weight? - I was afraid of all of the health problems
  • How much weight have you lost? 163 pounds so far. Looking to lose another 15 or so

    Did people notice? Mostly only my parents. I move around alot and usually lost about 30 pounds at each place I've been at. Since i'm tall it takes alot of weight loss for people to notice

    Has your confidence changed? Definitely. I used to be really introverted. Only kept a small group of friends, and didn't dare talk around a large group of people. Now, I strike up conversations with random people if the situation allows for it. I don't care what people think of me anymore, and I just do my own thing. I definitely love being around people now, as opposed to a few years ago, when I was more of a loner

    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? Yep. I couldn't bend down far enough because all my stomach fat rolls got in the way. And it hurt to much to prop up my legs on something while standing for a bit and shaving. Now its no problem

    Does your ring size get smaller? No idea. I don't wear rings

    How different is your life? I don't feel like my weight prevents me from doing anything anymore. I try and stay active and I love trying new things. Before I was to worried about what people would think, even just walking in public was a struggle for me. I was parnoid I was going to be judged everywhere I went. I have alot more confidence and worry alot less about everything. Nothing can hold me back now

    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? Started out as a 42 DD, and ended up a 34 D

    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? About once to twice a week. Usually once at subway and another in a restaurant. I automatically save 1/2 my portions in restaurants now, wheres as before I could easily eat the entire thing and much on apps and dessert. Now I don't even bother with apps and dessert.

    Do you look thinner to yourself? Honestly, no. When I was at my heaviest I never saw a Obese person. I thought I looked the exact same as I do now. My clothing sizes and pictures show something different but my mind doesn't allow me to see what I look like in the mirror. Crazy thing

    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Only through clothing sizes.

    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? My family treats me the same. They don't even mention the weight loss...I don't really have any friends from the time I was heavy. We all just faded out. Most of my current friends don't know I've lost a lot of weight. Strangers seem to pass me by...just another person on the street In social settings like bars or parties its easier to talk to people but I'm not sure if its because of my appearance or confidence.

    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? At least a dozen...all were done at that horrible "hold camera high above head" angle to appear less fat...somehow they always came out fat regardless

    How many does it take now? 2-3...I'm not photogenic xD and I make funny faces. But it has nothing to do with my size

    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? My inner thighs. They were always red at the end of the day, and I would constantly get these irritating bumps from it. Not sure if it was a rash or what but a lot of the time, it was so painful to walk because of them

    Do you chafe now? Nope. My inner thighs still touch but they don't seem to get red or anything

    Are jeans more comfortable? Meh kinda...At my heaviest the jeans were always digging into my fat pouches in my stomach. Right now they dig in loose skin xD..but their definitely easier to find, and look a lot better.

    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? Nope. I mean I could sit like that but it was extremely painful. Same with sitting Indian style

    Can you now? Yes

    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Yes. I remember getting embarrassed running a mile in gym class in high school. I was always the last one to finish and somehow it always took me 25 minutes or so.

    Does it now? Nope. I jog for fun now, around a lake when its nice and the gym most of the time since its winter. No problem running in public

    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? Without a doubt yes. I never counted calories until I hit 200 pounds. The rest came off by watching portion sizes and keeping active. I didn't weigh myself the first 6 months I lost and had lost 70 pounds just by that.
    Are you happier now? Yes. I liderely feel like I can do anything I try. Its the most amazing feeling

    Were you unhappy before? Extremely

    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? 10-19 so 9 years. I gained really slowly and steadily throughout those years which is why I prob didn't notice it

    What made you decide to lose weight? I had a series of events happen while I was on a vacation celebrating my culinary school graduation. Seat belt extender, teenagers laughing at me(i was 19 at the time), comment about how my lower back tattoo should be extended because it was to small for my backside, not being able to fit on the rides at universal studios..
  • How much weight have you lost? 90 lbs, 30 to go!
    Did people notice? Oh yes
    Has your confidence changed? YES. I am much more confident now.
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? Yes, I used to have the worst time shaving the back of my thighs. No problem now.
    Does your ring size get smaller? YES. I used to wear a 9 on my left ring finger. Now I wear a 5.5
    How different is your life? A lot. Not all of it has to do with my weight loss, though. I'm healthier and happier and free to do so much I felt unable to do before.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? They are still shifting. Started out at like a 40DDD (not even sure my bras never fit properly). Now I'm in like a 30C. It's still changing.
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes, and YES. My idea of proper portioning has changed so much. I always box up at least half of my meal or share. I make healthier choices.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Yes.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Yes and no. I catch new things all the time.
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? Unfortunately yes. Strangers are are a lot friendlier. My friends and family act pretty much the same.
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? I didn't take one. I was too embarrased. I hid from the camera.
    How many does it take now? Getting a good picture is a lot easier now.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? YES, thighs, under arms.
    Do you chafe now? Nope
    Are jeans more comfortable? Everything is more comfortable!
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? Nope. Couldn't do it at all.
    Can you now? Yes, no problem.
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Oh yeah, I wouldn't have done it EVER if there was the possibility of anyone seeing me... it was terrible .
    Does it now? Not in the least.
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? YES YES YES a million times yes.
    Are you happier now? Yes
    Were you unhappy before? Yes... but I have to add the disclaimer that my happiness does not have as much to do with my weight as it does with my overall health. I make better choices now. I exercise. I was ill before and I'm not now.
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? Pretty much my whole life.
    What made you decide to lose weight? I didn't want to be the mom that sat on the sidelines watching her kids. I wanted to run on the beach and not be ashamed of my body. I didn't want my kids to see me that way. I didn't want anything to hold me back anymore. I didn't want to be sick anymore.

    It is so worth it.
  • How much weight have you lost? 101 lbs.
    Did people notice? Yes
    Has your confidence changed? Not really
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Yes Has it gotten easier? Yes
    Does your ring size get smaller? Very much so. I couldn't wear my wedding ring for the past 10 years, but I can now.
    How different is your life? It's a little different, I run marathons now.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? Yes, I no longer really have boobs.
    Do you go out to eat? Yes
    If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Yes
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Not at first, but after the first 40 lbs. very much so.
    Do people act differently towards you? No
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? 3-4
    How many does it take now? 3-4
    Did you chafe before? No< I didn't move enough to actually chafe.
    Do you chafe now? No
    Are jeans more comfortable? Yes
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? No
    Can you now? Yes, and I do most of the time.
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? I couldn't jog before
    Does it now? Not at all
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? Yes
    Are you happier now? I wouldn't say happier, but definitely healthier
    Were you unhappy before? No
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? more than 10 years
    What made you decide to lose weight? I was very unhealthy.
  • How much weight have you lost?
    Somewhere in the vicinity of 80-100lbs. I don't know my starting weight. I'm maintaining now.

    Did people notice?
    Yep. Pretty hard not to!

    Has your confidence changed?
    I was pretty confident before, but I find a do have more confidence now. I think it's a combination of maturing and losing weight.

    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier?
    Shaving my thighs was hard before because they were big and flabby. Now they're small and muscular so it's easy!

    Does your ring size get smaller?
    Yeah. I had to get my engagement ring resized.

    How different is your life?
    Honestly, it's not all that different. I do enjoy the extra energy I get from being very fit and having a proper diet though.

    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much?
    I went from a 44" bust, 40D bra to a 37" bust and a 30DDDD/G (US) or 30F (UK) bra.

    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before?
    Yes I go out to eat all the time. Sometimes I will choose a healthy option, sometimes I won't. Pizza, fast food, etc., none of it is off limits. I find out the calorie counts and incorporate the food into my plan for the day.

    Do you look thinner to yourself?
    Yes. Slowly my brain is catching up.

    Did you notice the progress as it was happening?
    No, not really. I only really saw it when I looked at pictures or had to buy smaller clothes. Trying on clothes from my starting weight when I had dropped a significant amount of weight was an eye-opener.

    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family?
    Yes, they do. People feel the need to talk to me about weight loss and nutrition, they ask me for advice...they also talk to me about fitness which never happened before.

    People also feel the need to tell me that I shouldn't lose weight, what I should and shouldn't eat...which is funny because none of this happened before.

    Most of my friends and family have been supportive, but the food pushers get quite annoying. I've learned to be firm and witty to combat those that want me to stuff my face.

    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before?
    I didn't take one because I didn't actually think I would ever lose the weight.

    How many does it take now?
    I still don't take official progress pictures...I just snap something here and there when I feel like it.

    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where?
    I used to chafe between my thighs. I also used to wear out my pants this way....

    Do you chafe now?
    Nope! I can wear skirts again!

    Are jeans more comfortable?
    Yes! I no longer have to worry about buying jeans that work with my built in muffin top. It's gone for the most part so I can just buy jeans that fit!

    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other?
    At my highest weight, no. After I got into the 190s (but before I started this leg of my journey) I was able to cross them for a few minutes before feeling pain.

    Can you now?
    Yes! I can sit for quite a long time with my legs crossed!

    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before?
    Guh. Yes. Especially since I could barely run around the block without collapsing.

    Does it now?
    No way! I ran for the first time in a long time recently and ran almost 3.6 miles! I know that keeping my body in tip-top shape made it easy to get back into running!

    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it?
    A thousand times over and over YES!!

    Are you happier now?
    Yes! I feel like my life has gotten so much more awesomer after I lost weight! I can't really explain it...

    Were you unhappy before?
    Nope! I had a pretty awesome life before!

    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight?
    I didn't really decided to lose weight...but I was overweight since childhood.

    What made you decide to lose weight?
    I didn't really decide to lose weight. I tried something one day and it worked so I decided to stick with it and here I am!
  • How much weight have you lost? 80 Lbs
    Did people notice? yes
    Has your confidence changed? yes, but I wouldn't necessarily attribute it to the weight loss but the weight loss + growing up.
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? My leg used to slip when i would be shaving, but I'm not hairy at all-- i actually don't NEED to shave my legs but periodically do it for fun.
    Does your ring size get smaller? YES. i went from a size 9 ring finger to a size 5
    How different is your life? very. my health is a big priority for me. even though it sounds shallow, but losing the weight led my husband to be attracted to me which made us cross over from being best friends to being spouses.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? I went down one cup size. However, i've always been overweight so i dont know what my non-fat cup size is supposed to be. I'll find out soon though.
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? yes i do. I am very specific about what i order. and also, if i go out to eat i will eat less earlier/later that same day so that i stay within my calories.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? sometimes. i know i'm thinner because of measurements and sizes but i still feel fat.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? only when i am shopping or when i realize that my clothes are looser/big.
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? strangers check me out. some friends don't know how to deal with the fact that i am not the fat girl anymore, but other friends have been totally cool--- the process teaches who your real friends are, thats for sure. my family has gone from nagging me about losing weight to nagging me about being too thin.
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? infinite. i always had a closed mouth fake smile and wouldnt take full body photos.
    How many does it take now? on the first or second one i'm happy.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? inner thighs-- it would eventually bore a hole through my pants.
    Do you chafe now? no. my legs do touch but they dont rub together uncomfortably.
    Are jeans more comfortable? yes. i went from a size 18 at old navy to a size 6 at express/ size 27 joes jeans.
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? yes
    Can you now? yes
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? it wouldnt have embarassed me, but it wouldnt have been possible.
    Does it now? no. but that wasnt a product of losing weight, it was a product of deciding to be a runner.
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? yes.
    Are you happier now? yes. not because i'm thin but because i have learned that it was possible to be thinner and always wanted to be.
    Were you unhappy before? i wanted to lose weight before and it frustrated me.
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? my whole life.
    What made you decide to lose weight? my mom got sick and everything seemed to be changing. i decided to change too.
  • How much weight have you lost? Almost 130 lbs.
    Did people notice? Yes, most people I haven't seen in a while don't recognize me now!
    Has your confidence changed? Yes!
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? Yes, I absolutely hated shaving my legs before and would wear pants year round to avoid it. Now I'm better about shaving because it's easier and I have a boyfriend. :P
    Does your ring size get smaller? Yes! I have long thin fingers and at my high weight I wore a size 8 ring, now I wear about 6.5. Need to get my fingers professionally sized again, though.
    How different is your life? Very different, just because I have so much energy now and love being outside moving around. When I was heavy I mostly stayed indoors to avoid being seen and just walking for a couple hours was exhausting.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? Yes, quite a bit. I wore 40DD at my high weight and now I wear 36C. I'm pear-shaped though, and expected my boobs to go down.
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes, though even while heavy I would try to choose something relatively healthy from the menu. Now I research the restaurant menu beforehand so I can make the absolute best choice, both in calories and nutrition.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? I look smaller to myself but my head still doesn't have a good grasp on my size. Some days I see it, some days I see my old self. It's kinda weird.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Yes and no. I noticed my clothes getting looser and looser but I've never been one to look at myself in the mirror for long periods so I've noticed other changes by ease-of-life. I have a space between my thighs now, which I only noticed after realizing "Hey, my thighs don't chafe anymore!" Most of my back fat is gone, which I only noticed during summer because "Hey, my back isn't super sweaty anymore!"
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? Friends and family, yes. Strangers, maybe slightly. I don't pay much attention to how strangers look at me. Friends and family are always happy and proud when they see me (I moved away from home so I don't see friends/family often).
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? I refused to take a picture at my high weight and only felt comfortable a few months later after losing 20-30 lbs. Even then, I only took a couple because I wanted it to be a realistic "before" picture and knew I wouldn't look like the picture for long anyway!
    How many does it take now? I still hate pictures because I always manage to make some sort of goofy face but I do feel like pictures are more flattering now.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? Yes, my thighs used to chafe terribly.
    Do you chafe now? Not at all!
    Are jeans more comfortable? Yes and I'm finally confident enough to wear cute embellished jeans! All clothes are more comfortable now, which is awesome.
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? I could for a short time because I have long legs but didn't do it often because I was self-conscious.
    Can you now? Yep!
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Yes, I would've never done it in a million years.
    Does it now? Kinda. I just don't like jogging in general. I'd much rather power walk.
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? Yes! A thousand times over! I feel like a completely new person, in the best way possible. I want to help anyone and everyone feel this way!
    Are you happier now? Yes! I feel like I'm actually living my life now instead of watching it go by.
    Were you unhappy before? Yes, I was miserable. I battled with depression and social anxiety. At times I was pretty much a hermit and never went out because I hated my clothing and overall appearance, hated how easily exhausted I would get, hated feeling like I couldn't eat in public without scrutiny. I felt trapped and like I'd lost control over my life.
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? I was heavy from about age 8-12, lost weight as a teenager by starving myself, then gained it back and was heavy from about age 16-25.
    What made you decide to lose weight? My grandfather was diabetic and worried my mom and I would become diabetic too. I had a friend in college who was younger than me and diabetic already. My mom is pre-diabetic and doesn't take it seriously and my dad is diabetic. I couldn't look forward to a life filled with health problems and the unhappiness I'd been feeling the past 9 years. I felt I'd missed out on some of the best years of my life because of my weight and the depression and anxiety caused by being unhealthy. I knew I needed to make some big changes if I wanted to live my life again.
  • How much weight have you lost? I'm close to having lost 50 lbs, so halfway to goal.
    Did people notice? Yes. They started to really notice around 30lbs, though the way I dress probably contributes to that.
    Has your confidence changed? I'm not sure. I think I used to be self-conscious when I would order things when out to eat. Now I don't care what they think, because I've done a lot of hard work to get where I am.
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? No, and no.
    Does your ring size get smaller? Yep! That one surprised me. Went from a 9 to an 8-7.5 right now.
    How different is your life? Because of the weight lost? It's not really any different because of my physical appearance. I eat better now and I'm a runner though.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? Just a bit (I went down a bra size and maybe a cup size).
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes, but honestly every time I do I'm unhappy that I do. I either do it two ways: I plan what I'm going to eat ahead of time so it fits into what I eat, or I eat really lightly during the day so I can eat whatever I want and just tell myself that one day off plan won't kill me. But if those "one day" things turn into every other day, then it's an issue.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Sometimes.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Not really.
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? My mom is a b*tch about it. Otherwise, no.
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? I didn't take one.
    How many does it take now? Didn't take one.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? I haven't noticed a difference in that. On my thighs.
    Do you chafe now? We'll see in the summer, that's when I have issues with it.
    Are jeans more comfortable? They were comfortable before. They still don't seem to fit me right though, and that makes me mad. My waist is large compared to my legs, I think, so my jeans are baggy.
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? Yes
    Can you now? Yes
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Yes
    Does it now? No
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? Yes
    Are you happier now? Not really
    Were you unhappy before? Not really
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? My whole life
    What made you decide to lose weight? I did C25K with my boyfriend and the weight started dropping off, so I was like "wow, this is easier than I thought!" and kept going. It got harder though, haha.
  • How much weight have you lost? 35 lbs. About 40 to go, almost halfway there.
    Did people notice? Yes
    Has your confidence changed? Not really
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Yes Has it gotten easier? Yes
    Does your ring size get smaller? Nope
    How different is your life? It's really the same to be honest.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? Little bit, not even a cup size
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes, but I still eat what I got before, just only half of it instead of the whole plate.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Not at all
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Not til about 5 lbs ago.
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? No
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? I have several befores, don't know if they are necessarily good.
    How many does it take now? still too many.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? No
    Do you chafe now? No
    Are jeans more comfortable? Yes
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? No
    Can you now? Yes
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Yes
    Does it now? No
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? It's worth it
    Are you happier now? Not really, got a lot going on.
    Were you unhappy before? Yes
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? 3 years, but attempted to lose last year
    What made you decide to lose weight? Almost hitting half of 500 lbs.
  • How much weight have you lost? - 44 lbs so far!

    Did people notice? - Most definitely. My friends say "Where did your boobs go?!" my parents like to call me skinny!

    Has your confidence changed? - YES!! I had zero confidence in myself, not just in looks but all areas of life. Taking control of my weight and focusing made me feel confident, sexy and also proved I can do anything I put my mind to. The best thing I've ever done for sure.

    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier?
    - Not terribly difficult, but I find I'm a bit more flexible. A back injury I had growing up prevents me from being super flexible though.

    Does your ring size get smaller?
    - Funnily enough, yes. I had a ring my boyfriend gave me that I wore every day, I now have to wear it on a necklace because it kept falling off!

    How different is your life?
    - It's healthier, happier and just so much better!

    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much?
    - I naturally have BIG boobs, but so far I've lost around 6 inches from them.

    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before?
    - I think in England it's rare that people eat out so much, I think in places like America there is so much more choice so it's more of an option. I do go out to eat when social occasion calls for it - I tend to stick to 1 soda and eat what I want! I'm not on a diet, I just exercise a lot and eat 3 times a day. If I go to a meal it's a little treat so I don't worry too much - I just stop when I'm full.

    Do you look thinner to yourself?
    - Most definitely. I've been taking pictures every 5 lbs. They're in my journal, which there's a link to in my sig, that I put online. I can see the difference and that's saying something!

    Did you notice the progress as it was happening?
    - I guess I did. I only started to really notice when clothes got bigger and again, with the pictures I took. But it was the drop from 170-150 that really made me look different.

    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family?
    - My family are a bit weird, just because they're usually bigger, my Mum actually encourages me to cheat! My friends are super supportive, really compliment me but don't treat me differently. I've not noticed any strangers, because I'm oblivious!

    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before?
    - None! I never took a good picture. Maybe 1 in a night where I held the camera up to hide my face fat!!

    How many does it take now?
    - I've not really been on too many social events to count! But it is easier, the candid pictures look better.

    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where?
    - Inner thighs!! I don't think I do as much now but they still touch

    Do you chafe now?
    - A little.

    Are jeans more comfortable?
    - Right now, yes, because they're too big! But I need new ones. I live in jeans because I pull them over my stomach to hide the flab! But maybe now I can get some that fit well without needing to hide?

    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other?
    - Yes

    Can you now?
    - Yes

    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before?
    - It did in a way, but I still did it! The only way progress is going to happen is if you just do it. I sucked at running to begin with, it was more of a shuffle. By the end of my 10k training I was running properly and doing it in good time.

    Does it now?
    - Nope! My boobs are smaller (they were the only concern before) and I've got great sports bras (I wear 2!) so it's not bad.

    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it?
    - YES YES YES!!

    Are you happier now?
    - Infinitely so.

    Were you unhappy before?
    - Unhappy is an understatement, I was actually depressed about how I looked. I thought that I was the ugliest thing alive!! Now I don't think badly of myself, I don't think I'm particularly amazing looking but good enough!

    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight?
    - 11 years, but I tried properly twice in those times but failed.

    What made you decide to lose weight? - When I worked out that I was obese. I had always been just overweight but one year I lost control and got to obesity. It scared the crap out of me, and I knew I didn't want to be obese OR overweight so I made the commitment to reach my goal once and for all and be happy.

    Great thread!! I enjoyed that =)
  • How much weight have you lost?
    nearly 100 lbs
    Did people notice?
    Yes, some people who hadn't seen me didn't know who I was.
    Has your confidence changed?
    Yes, definitely
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier?
    It was alot harder before to reach certain areas, much easier now and I admit I shave more often and don't fall victim to the it's winter I don't have to shave mindset any longer
    Does your ring size get smaller?
    My wedding ring falls off my finger now. For years I couldn't get it off no matter how much I tugged at it, now I can't even wear it when its cold because it will fall off.
    How different is your life?
    I am not sure that my life is really all that different. I am still the same person that I was before. I dress better because everything I like fits me. I no longer have bad knees. But as for life being different, it really isn't a remarkable change.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much?
    38 DDD to 30 FF, boobs got smaller as well as ribcage. They are actually perkier now than they were when they were hanging down to my knees, lol
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before?
    I still go out but I no longer visit the all you can eat buffets! The drive throughs are generally only for a diet drink or a small ice cream cone.
    Do you look thinner to yourself?
    Most days yes, I still have days where I look in the mirror and see the fat girl I was.....almost 3 years later.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening?
    I noticed it after others mentioned it. Its hard to see the changes in yourself when you see yourself all the time...
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family?
    Strangers don't really act different because they didn't know me before. Friends and family do to some extent because they remember that I was heavier. Sometimes the reaction is negative because like it or not, we can show jealousy in our comments without meaning to.
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before?
    Don't know, didn't have a good one!!
    How many does it take now?
    I still can't take a good picture to save my life!!
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where?
    Yes, my thighs rubbed together!!
    Do you chafe now?
    Not al all!!
    Are jeans more comfortable?
    As well as more comfortable I have so many options now that I never dreamed of before. I hated stretchy skinnies before because they made me like like a stuffed sausage....I love them now!
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other?
    Can you now?
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before?
    Does it now?
    No, because I don't jog!
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it?
    Very much so!
    Are you happier now?
    I am happier with the way I look and dress now. I am more confident in who I am. At the same time there are more outside pressures than I had before. I have men hit on me that never did before. Sometimes I am not comfortable with that.
    Were you unhappy before?
    Yes but losing weight didn't solve all my problems, it created others. Weight loss doesn't make everything about your life better.
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight?
    8 years of so this time around, lol
    What made you decide to lose weight?
    Saw a picture of myself and couldn't believe I looked that big!!!
  • How much weight have you lost? 70ish pounds
    Did people notice? yes, to the point that it can be annoying to get things done
    Has your confidence changed? not really in the sense of talking to most people but confidence that I can achieve more in sports/exercising
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? it's still hard but I don't spend a half an hour trying to do it
    Does your ring size get smaller? yeah
    How different is your life? kind of different when i was larger i was more lazy to get things done because it felt exhausting to exert energy on simple tasks but now I can move a lot more
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? they've become smaller but are still proportionate for my body.
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? I go out to eat all the time. I used to go out to eat all the time. I am more conscious of the nutrition and when I'm actually full. I'm not afraid to take food home and I'm not afraid to tell people to take food back when they messed up my order especially when it changes the nutritional contents
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Basically only in pictures for my overall body and all the time for my face. I can notice small changes but not the overall picture. I still get surprised when mediums and some smalls fit.
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? some small changes like my stomach flattening.
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? Yes and it can be really annoying. People who didn't give me the time of day (not even a hello, how are you doing) are now talking to me all the time. Strangers have their cat calls and my family is mostly the same except my parents hate when I talk about nutrition. (I want my parents to be around forever, it's selfish child talking)
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? I was big most of my life so I didn't care most of the time. There were a lot of pictures that I loved then but I don't love now. one take. candid photos are a good thing.
    How many does it take now? one take usually.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? my thighs in the summer. I don't know what it is going to be like now but hopefully better. I'm really trying to lose a lot more weight before the summer so I can really have a great time wearing skirts.
    Do you chafe now? no it's too cold outside but probably.
    Are jeans more comfortable? yes and no. I used to hate wearing jeans because I wanted to dress formal a lot but now I wear jeans most of the time because I don't care about dressing up much. I kind of want to get back into dressing up more. I keep hitting the dress section now.
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other?Can you now? yes but I think I always could.

    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before?Does it now? yes and i think it still would now. I need a better sports bra. I don't need drivers ogling my jiggling.

    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? yes but I think I could be more efficient with a real plan. At least this feel like it will last because I'm doing it without a real plan or restrictions from some book or person.
    Are you happier now? I think so. I get pessimistic at the TOM but I think that's normal.
    Were you unhappy before? I was unhappy for some parts of my life which contributed to me gaining so much weight but there is happy in the unhappy.
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight?What made you decide to lose weight? I've been overweight most of my life. This is my second time losing weight. I starting losing weight the firsttime because my parents told me I would stay fat forever and could never lose weight. I lost weight and gained it back with extra. This time is after I moved out of my parents house and realized I reallyneeded to lose weight. My boyfriend was the catalyst. I hate how it happened both times but I will stick with it because I like being able to move more and wear clothes I want to wear.
  • How much weight have you lost? 92 lbs so far.
    Did people notice? Yep.
    Has your confidence changed? Yes, though a big part of that was getting treatment for depression. I'm not 100% where I want to be confidence-wise, but things are much better now.
    Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? It was a bit harder before, since I was much less bendy.
    Does your ring size get smaller? I don't wear rings, but my hands are noticeably thinner now.
    How different is your life? I find a lot of things to be easier now. I have more energy, I feel healthier and I sleep better. I used to get painful heartburn regularly and that has almost completely gone away.
    Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? Yes. I went from a 40 D (which might not have been correct) to a 34 D.
    Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would've before? Yes, I've pretty much eaten out at least once a week since I started. I eat very differently than I used to. Sometimes this means ordering something very healthy and sometime it means being mindful of how full I'm getting and stopping when I'm satisfied. Now I look around and my finished plate looks similar to many of those of the very slim, half full.
    Do you look thinner to yourself? Yes
    Did you notice the progress as it was happening? Yes
    Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? I'm really bad at picking these sorts of things up, but I'm not sure.
    How many pictures did it take to get a "good" picture before? I didn't really take many If I was in a picture I didn't complain, since I figured that there wasn't much I could do.
    How many does it take now? Haha, the same. I'm not really a picture person.
    Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? Yessss. I live in the south, and during the summer I would sweat pretty badly and my thighs would chafe. It would almost look like I had been burned.
    Do you chafe now? No, this past summer I didn't have issues with chafing at all (I was in the 170-180's then).
    Are jeans more comfortable? Yes.
    Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? I would sometimes try, but my leg would fall asleep very quickly.
    Can you now? Yes.
    Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? Yes.
    Does it now? Maybe a little, but only because we have such awkward patchy sidewalks here, I would feel like I'm getting in the way of cars
    Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it? Yes.
    Are you happier now? Yes, but again, I was battling with depression and weight gain was only one of many symptoms. Dealing with my weight was, however, one of the first aspects of my life that I was able to regain control of and thus thinking about it gives me a lot of happiness.
    Were you unhappy before? See last question :P
    How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? I was overweight and slowly gaining for about 4 years before I shifted into being obese and then later started to gain very rapidly (about 50lbs in a little over a year). So I was obese for almost 2 years before I started to lose weight.
    What made you decide to lose weight? I was gaining very quickly and my eating (as well as many other aspects of my life) were completely out of control. I started seeing a therapist and after a while was able to make the changes that I knew where needed, such as starting to exercise and eating healthier.