Mini Victory!

  • Let's share our lastest mini victory.

    My husband came up to give me a hug while I was cooking, put his hands on my stomach and said, "Oh my god". After being together for 11 years, I finally have some ad action going on. Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of flab too but you can finally feel some muscle. And to think, I was beginning to wonder if I had any

    What's your latest mini victory?
  • Latest mini victory for me has been that my work pants are getting borderline loose on me.

    They were TIGHT when I started and now I find myself pulling them up throughout the day.

    Don't get me wrong, with the size of my butt they aren't in danger of actually going anywhere. but at least they are doing that slipping down and feeling like they might.

    It's making every work day a lot nicer.
  • wtg girls!!!

    I bought a top last week from a store i buy from regularly. I didnt try it on, just bought my usual size as i never have any problem with size irregularity there. Put the top on this morning, its way too big! so i went and tried on some other tops from the same store, and they are too big too! i will be returning it for the smaller size!!