Help me understand!!

  • Oh my goodness lets see where to start......I have a problem with that darn bathroom appliance in my house that tells me how much my body weighs!! It started on Saturday when I gained half a pound and spiralled into today which is Tuesday. Ive pretty much abandned all my healthy eating habits, exercise habits and have had a four day binge, eating everything and anything not caring about the consequences... sad I know. I dont know however why I do this to myself.....REALLY like what the **** is wrong with me? why do I often let this happen when the scale tells me what I dont want to see? I have to be in a swimsuit in six short weeks when we leave for the Cayman Islands and here I am doing this ****!! I feel terrible about myself and so guilty when I binge so why?why oh why.... ugh Im sorry I just needed to get this out.
  • The scale is only a tool on this journey.

    It is not the only tool.

    This journey takes time, acceptance of your weaknesses, and embracing your strong points.

    The most important thing, is you pick your self up, more times than you fall down!

    You will get there!
  • Oh girl. I feel you.

    If the scale has that much power over you, maybe it's time to put it away for a couple weeks. Focus on staying on your plan. Take some measurements. Sometimes when the scale isn't budging, your body is shrinking. You can't control exactly what shows up on the scale, but your reaction to it is all up to you.

    Hang in there - you can do it!
  • It can be overpowering. Don't let it! If we dwell on the mistakes then we often forget about all the good we've done, and how far we've come. So, keep thinking about the positives! If you're doing what you know you're suppose to be doing (and by your stats I can tell you are) the scale will move. Sometimes it's stubborn!
  • Girl, I hear ya!!! I've done this countless times!!! The only thing that helped me stop/lessen my binges was going low carb. But, how about not looking at the scale for a couple weeks? I know frusterating. But, just pick up & start now. You'll feel much better than starting a week from now.
  • The scale does not tell the whole story, just a snippet and that's it. I was working out daily... my scale was going up daily. So frustrating, but knowing my body, I knew that I was gaining weight for ovulation and probably too much sodium. I didn't cave to the binge monsters. And, I was rewarded yesterday and today with 2.6 drop in 2 days (and I expect to see more of a drop).

    Weight day to day is so very random. So, if you can't handle seeing it go up, then put it away. Don't have it on the floor in the bathroom. Hide it and forget about it and take it out once a month to use it or go to the gym to weigh yourself - or the doctor's office. Because most likely once a month weighing will show a loss, a consistent loss (though even then you may find you will see wildly different losses each month depending on your body's rhythms).

    Whatever it is, just don't let the scale dictate your journey. AND.... get rid of sugars to get rid of the desire to binge!
  • If anything is that unkind to you, get rid of it. Maybe not for good, but for now.

    Why not get a piece of clothing that is motivation to your swimsuit? Try it on every week instead of weighing yourself. Snap a pic of yourself in the suit (or not) or just notice how it's looking different on you.

    I still don't have a good idea of how much weight I've lost....I refuse to weigh myself because, like you, I will get depressed and say F**K it. Instead, I have a motivation skirt that I want to fit into when I go to Mexico. When I started, it was far from me being able to even button it. Now it buttons and zips, but is too tight to wear.....but you'd better bet it will fit by May.

    You can do this. When you break one dish, do you say "oh to H**L with it!" and then smash the rest? NO! You sweep it up and move on.

  • All a scale does is show weight change up or down.

    It does not tell you WHAT it is from -- pee, poo, drank a lot of water, just ate dinner, put rocks on your pockets, etc.

    It's normal to flux up to 3 lbs in a day as your body processes all the things it needs to do with digestion.

    So I'd suggest learning your own personal range and relax a bit.

    Think about not pressuring yourself so. You can totally be in a bathing suit whenever you want! They make them in all sizes!

    Before you carry on with the physical side of dieting you may want to think about spending some time on the emotional side.

    Because 1/2 lb? Could have just been a poo! Then to derail into a binge over it for several days? Then heap doom and gloom over your upcoming vacation to the Cayman islands?

    I'd be all ...


    rather than

    "I am terrible! I had a 1/2 lb show on the scale!"

    What you focus on, you get more of, and then the good stuff passes you by unnoticed.

    Don't live life that way. Losing weight is a journey and it takes some time. Having a good attitude on the journey is so much more calm than chronic body bashing... and it helps make the journey bearable.

    Hang in there!