5 Positive Things You Do Every Day For Your Health

  • Discussions in the maintainers chat this week have made me think about how we should remember what we are doing well, especially when we're feel like we're not OP. Sometimes we take for granted the good habits we have ingrained in our daily lives. Take a minute to think of a few things you do every day to promote your own health, and congratulate yourself for it!

    For me:
    1. I start every day with a healthy breakfast.
    2. I move my body every day. Between work, workouts, and walking the dog, I get quite a bit of exercise.
    3. I eat lots of veggies and fruits.
    4. I've started to drink a lot more tea for its health benefits (tastes great too!)
    5. After teenage years of sleep deprivation, I've come to appreciate and love what a good night's sleep can do for my body and mind! I put high priority on getting enough sleep.
  • Great idea, Megan. I do many of the same things you do. Here are mine:

    1) I exercise for at least an hour, 6 days a week.
    2) I eat fruits & veggies (I don't keep count, but I love fruits and veggies, so I would think I get at least 5 in per day).
    3) I read the bible every morning (this helps me to put life into perspective and, consequently, brings me peace).
    4) I take a nap if I need to (when my schedule allows)

    . . . well, I can't think of a 5th, but I'm sure I do at least 5 healthy things a day .
  • 1. drink my water.
    2. eat veggies & fruit
    3. take care of my cat (doing something for others is healthy.)
    4. stretch.
    5. meditate
  • What a great thread! I wonder how much we'll all have in common.

    1) I eat a breakfast that gives me a lot of energy to deal with the day
    2) Besides exercise, I try to incorporate as much activity as I can into my day
    3) If I feel myself getting stressed, I put everything aside and just write--it relaxes me
    4) I have been eating more veggies
    5) I always look to challenge myself both mentally and physically
  • Nice idea, Megan!

    1. Fresh food and fresh air.
    'Garbage in, garbage out' is the case for me so I try very hard indeed to prevent 'garbage in'.

    2. Being positive.
    And, of course, not being negative.

    3. Movement.
    Definitely. It's non-negotiable because I can, so I do.

    4. Time alone and reflection.
    Without this I become mental. True fact.

    5. Sleep.
    Preferably uninterrupted, on a good mattress and in a ventilated room.
    See (4) above.
  • Great idea for a thread!

    Here are mine:

    1. I eat a nourishing breakfast every day. In fact, I just finished a bowl of oatmeal sweetened with a tablespoon of no added sugar applesauce, with homemade almond milk, cinnamon and fresh blueberries.

    2. I eat very well, in both senses of the word. My diet is planned to optimise nutrition and to fuel and recover from my workouts.

    3. I work out every day, and am always looking for new workouts to try and new challenges to keep me motivated.

    4. I nap when I can and to go to bed extra-early if I feel like it.

    5. I find ways to deal with stress.

    All things considered, I'm not doing too badly. I agree that we often don't give ourselves enough credit just for hanging in there.
  • Great idea Megan. Always good to pat ourselves on the back for the positive stuff.

    • 1. Add me to the list of people who eat a good breakfast. This morning, it was a bowl of oatmeal with protein powder, unsweetened almond milk and a tablespoon full of almond butter, plain nonfat Greek yogurt, and blueberries sprinkled with cinnamon.

      2. I do cardio every single day, and strength training three times each week.

      3. I cook 95% of my meals from scratch, and I eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit every day. Every two days at least, I'm at the store buying more produce.

      4. I eat fish at least once a week, and a vegetarian meal at dinner at least once a week, sometimes more often. For half the week, I eat vegetarian lunch, frequently even a vegan lunch.

      5. I take my antidepressant dosage every day. ;-)
    • Quote: Every two days at least, I'm at the store buying more produce
      So I'm not the only one! Sometimes, I feel as if I live in the grocery store.
    • 1. Lots of water
      2. Cardio 6x a week, strength training 3x a week, stretching 2x a week
      3. Read. I love to read and I do read a lot. I always have a book with me. Luckily I work in a library!
      4. Sleep
      5. Cook. If I don't cook I don't eat very well.
      6. Breakfast. Most mornings it's steel cut oatmeal--yummo!
    • 1. Pray daily
      2. Don't drink alcohol/smoke/drugs ever
      3. Excerice in some shape or form daily
      4. Eat well/take vitamins daily
      5. laugh/love/play daily
    • Great idea, let's inspire each other!

      1. I make a concious efforts to see the bright side of everything
      2. I plan my meals and always notice what I put in my mouth
      3. I stay on my feet as much as possible
      4. I take time for myself
      5. I sleep enough