HELP! Newbie in peril ( or - wth havent I lost ANY weight in second round????)

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  • Hello everyone.

    Sorry for the dramatic subject line but this feels so dramatic to me!

    My coach is doing weigh in's in 10 day cycles so Im in the second cycle (20 days in )- and have not lost one single pound. Not even a 1/2 pound in this second cycle.

    The first 10 days, I lost 10 pounds! I was sooooo happy as I have tried every diet known to man and nothing works, ever. I mean ever. I have some crazy thyroid and metabolic issues that causes my body to just hang on to fat.

    Anyway - after a 10 pound weight loss out of the gate, I felt like I found something that finally works!!!!! Much mental celebration did ensue!

    This last 10 days cycle, however - has proven to be massively disappointing. I wasnt expected another 10 pound loss but I was expecting something. Nada. Zip. Not so much as a half a pound.

    Can someone please shed some light on this? Here is my typical day:

    LUNCH- IP Bar, stir fry veggies or large plate of raw veggies w a bit of WF dressing
    SNACK - IP Shake
    DINNER - 8 oz protein with raw veggies ( typically cucumbers)

    I have 2 tsp of oil total a day ( which I measure ) and 1/2 tsp sea salt. I drink only water and herbal tea. No other sources of fat or calories from mints, gum etc....

    SO WHAT GIVES???? I am so frustrated and disheartened. This program is super expensive but I dont care IF I am getting results. I just want some progress.

    I have a lot of weight to lose, 90 pounds so this is really derailing me. I dont feel like I want to give up YET but Im afraid I will soon.

  • Hang in there..A ten pound loss your first week is wonderful..It is normal to slow down after the first week.
    Keep your self focused on the positive. You are following the program exactly.
    It does work. I am on maintenance and have lost 110 pounds.

    I did have weeks of no loss also.
    You can do it..It does work..Call your coach for support!
  • Stick with it! If you think about it, 20 days is right at the 3 week mark, and people generally don't lose nearly as much their 3rd week. I'm not sure how old you are, but if TOM is a concern is it almost time for that? I am always astonished at how much water weight I can pack on then, it can eliminate an entire week of good losses. Everything you're eating looks good, give it time and keep us posted!
  • Thank you Maile and NMommy for your response and support. I do believe in the program and am sticking with it. Its frightening to me because it makes me think that NOTHING is going to work. I gained over 100 pounds from NOT overeating ( I was a vegan ) because of mold exposure and am DESPERATE to lose the weight for about 9,000 different health reasons.

    Is there anything else I can do to jump start this?
  • Maile-

    May I ask how long it took for you to lose 110 pounds?? That is astonishing - you are my idol!

    Any tips you might be able to impart? I could use all the help I can get!!
  • You mentioned that you have some crazy issues and haven't been able to lose weight in the past. This may have something to do with not seeing results on the scale this go around. Do you get measured? Did you lose inches? Every once in a while, there will be a no loss week. Do not get discouraged. It will come off. Everyone loses at a different pace. Those with thyroid trouble have a different weight loss experience, but they do lose. It sounds like what you are eating is right on track. I wouldn't change anything at this time. If you continue to see no losses, you may be one of those that is sensitive to the WF products, but time will tell.
  • Id bet anything that 10 days from now, you are going to report back saying how you had another great cycle and dropped some lbs!! Hang in there and good luck!
  • Just make sure your veggies are 2 cups at lunch and 2 cups at dinner, plus all the lettuce you want. You typed large plate of veggies... I'm not sure how much that is, lol!
  • I'm not on IP but I wanted to mention that a LOT of people lose in a sawtooth trajectory. I personally lose all my weight during one week of each month. It was insanely frustrating at first but after charting it for months, I see what my body is doing. I'd woosh a ton of weight off and then my body would be all "whoa now... slow down cowboy!!" and it'd be another couple weeks before another woosh came again. Do NOT give up!! Hang in there, it'll get moving again.
  • Quote: Hello everyone.

    Sorry for the dramatic subject line but this feels so dramatic to me!

    My coach is doing weigh in's in 10 day cycles so Im in the second cycle (20 days in )- and have not lost one single pound. Not even a 1/2 pound in this second cycle.

    The first 10 days, I lost 10 pounds! I was sooooo happy as I have tried every diet known to man and nothing works, ever. I mean ever. I have some crazy thyroid and metabolic issues that causes my body to just hang on to fat.

    Anyway - after a 10 pound weight loss out of the gate, I felt like I found something that finally works!!!!! Much mental celebration did ensue!

    This last 10 days cycle, however - has proven to be massively disappointing. I wasnt expected another 10 pound loss but I was expecting something. Nada. Zip. Not so much as a half a pound.

    Can someone please shed some light on this? Here is my typical day:

    LUNCH- IP Bar, stir fry veggies or large plate of raw veggies w a bit of WF dressing
    SNACK - IP Shake
    DINNER - 8 oz protein with raw veggies ( typically cucumbers)

    I have 2 tsp of oil total a day ( which I measure ) and 1/2 tsp sea salt. I drink only water and herbal tea. No other sources of fat or calories from mints, gum etc....

    SO WHAT GIVES???? I am so frustrated and disheartened. This program is super expensive but I dont care IF I am getting results. I just want some progress.

    I have a lot of weight to lose, 90 pounds so this is really derailing me. I dont feel like I want to give up YET but Im afraid I will soon.

    I notice you didnt say you are eating salad. You must include salad with your lunch and dinner. You may not be eating enough if that is the case and your body thinks it is in starvation mode now and not letting go.
  • YOu might want to make sure you are drinking enough water as well. Normally you take your total weight and divide it by two. This is how much water you should be drinking. I was in the same boat as you last week. I wasnt loosing anything for 2.5 weeks. Then I went on an all unrestricted week no high card IP products or restricted foods and the scale finally started to move again. So I would change one thing at a time. Add more water if you are not drinking enough and then go for bootcamp one week and see what gives
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you all for your replies and valuable advice.

    It is so great to hear from other folks willing to share their own experiences.

    I am drinking a TON of water. I thought perhaps it was tea that was derailing me since I started drinking an herbal fruit tea I bought from teavana that had a lot of dried fruit in it but I stopped that 5 days ago. I also stopped using ACV and switched to WF. I use it super sparingly.

    I am not eating much salad, for the poster who suggested that could be the problem. Well - to be correct - I am but not in addition to the veggies. So, that might be it?

    I still dont really understand the "science" of IP very well. Ive only spoken to a coach once in the 20 days Ive been on the program so I dont have a huge amount of support currently but a new person took over the program so hopefully that will change.

    Im going to try more salad. I wish I could just "drink" the greens and veggies in the form of freshly juiced veggies but I guess that defeats the purpose. I used to make my own veggie juice daily prior to doing this program.

    Thank you all so much again - Its wonderful to see so many sucess stories. I am determined to be one!!
  • hi kim- just have to add my 2 cents as you are echoing my story! i am new here too and have been on IP since Jan. 10th. the first week i lost almost nothing, the second week about 7 lbs, the 3rd week (this week, up until this morning) nothing again and then i hopped on the scale this morning and i was down 3.5 lbs. seems my body hangs on to water until the last minute and then woosh- it hands it over (in which time i feel like crap- that was yesterday). hang in there. you've got some great advice and i have a feeling that you are gonna do what alot of us do- lose alot at once. i know it's hard to believe that when you're struggling with that whole mind thing but be true to yourself and keep at it! what are your choices? do it or quit... and i think i know what you really want.
  • Emkay-

    What I really want is for a program to work. Im prepared to do pretty much anything for that to happen, truly.

    Just now Im having a huge mound of cucumbers w sea salt and an IP blueberry pudding that has extra water that I turned into a shake.I havent gotten in to the "creative cooking" mode yet and I dont really care. I only care about progress.

    Im hanging in there. Thanks so much to all for the encouragement!
  • What kind of protein are you typically eating? I saw you posted that you were a vegan, so I'm assuming you're not anymore? Some of the vegetarian proteins can have a lot of carbs in them.