Hello everyone!

  • Hey there just wanting introduce myself,I'm Melissa,from Ont canada,I just had my first baby and is really wanting to lose the weight,I lost 80 before i got pregnent and is findin it harder this time to keep on trip so I am here looking for surport from others who are going throu the same thing. I really lookk forword to meeting knew ppl on here and hearing your weight lost storys thx ttys
  • Welcome! You're going to love it here! This board is so full of encouragement and uplifting spirits be sure to check out the smaller groups - they are split up based on diet types, age groups, interests, etc - so you should have no problem finding one to jump into
  • MELISSA ~ we are having a lot of Candians joining at this time. We have threads here for new mothers, younger folks (20-somethings), and even a Canadian Thread in the Support Groups Forum. Take a look around and jump in wherever you want ...
  • Melissa, welcome, glad to have you join us.
  • thank you so much for the welcoming..and for letting me know about the groups I look forword to joinin in (:
  • Welcome!

    That's the first I've heard of the Canadian thread, going to check it out!