How did you decide your goal weight?

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  • I am at a loss on where to set my ultimate goal weight. My highest weight was 243, I am currently at 223.(I am 5'9) As an adult the lowest I have weighed is 185. I have always been bigger, even while very active as a kid/teen. That being said, I really don't want to make any excuses. I want to give it my all. Last time I lost weight, I set a bunch of mini goals and that worked well but I would like a 'end prize' type of goal in mind as well.

    So would you set your ultimate goal weight as the lowest you have been as an adult or even further, closer to a recommended weight for your height.
  • I set mine based on the lowest I have been in adulthood.....and my post academy weight (best shape of my life)...

    But I am sure I could go down more, but first I am going to get to my goal. When there I will re-evaluate if I want/need to loose more based on any jiggly spots hehe
  • I've always been overweight, so I had trouble choosing a goal weight. I kept reevaluating as I went down and I found that this weight chose me.

    To top it off, my scale was off by 10 when I thought I was 130, I was really 120! I never thought I would get here, but now that I am I'm certainly happy.

    Remember, you can set a goal weight but it doesn't have to be set in stone. As you go down you can move it higher or lower depending on how you feel about your body
  • I set my original goal (120) according to the BMI chart. I just picked a number at the high end of the range for my height and figured I'd go from there. Then I got down to 150 and got stuck, and I got so frustrated that I'd failed to reach my goal that I gave up.

    Fast forward two years and 68 pounds regained, and I'm just trying to get back down to 150. Once I get back there I'll figure out if can lose more. I have learned the lesson about setting myself up for failure the hard way, that's for sure.

    ETA: That said, there's nothing at all wrong with shooting for the moon! The trouble for me came in because I'm very much an 'all or nothing' girl, and I decided I'd failed based on not hitting an arbitrary number. I'm trying to be kinder to myself this time around. As long as you see all your victories as a success and don't focus on your end goal as the *only* success, you'll be fine.
  • Quote: I've always been overweight, so I had trouble choosing a goal weight. I kept reevaluating as I went down and I found that this weight chose me.

    To top it off, my scale was off by 10 when I thought I was 130, I was really 120! I never thought I would get here, but now that I am I'm certainly happy.

    Remember, you can set a goal weight but it doesn't have to be set in stone. As you go down you can move it higher or lower depending on how you feel about your body
    I wish mine was ten pounds over, but the jeans don't lie!
  • I set mine for the highest BMI I can be in the healthy range. I want a tummy tuck very badly and most surgeons won't consider it unless you hit somewhere in the healthy category. It may change when I get closer but I have no idea.
  • Whatever you think will be the most motivational for you. Clear as mud, right?

    I've seen 3FCers set high goal weights (something like 10 lbs down, 10% of their body weights etc) and I've seen others who set their goal weights at the low end of a healthy BMI even when they have 100+lbs to lose. You do what works for you.

    Personally, I've always set a range for myself. I definitely want to be at a healthy BMI so doctors have to leave me along about my weight! Beyond that I'm not sure. I'll be at the very top end of a healthy BMI if I lose 9 more lbs and after that I'll just keep reevaluating to see where I want to stop. I have some non-scale goals too. Ultimately I'd like to have a 28" waist or under (not sure if that's going to happen, though...) and be more or less happy with my appearance. For the most part I'm there already except my midsection so I figure I'll continue to lose until at least the high end of my BMI and then decide if it's worth it to go further or not.

    The nice thing about a goal weight is you can always change it. If you don't feel happy there go lower. I also highly recommend mini-goals because it helps so much to have a number that you've been looking forward to hitting along the way!!
  • When I was 300 lbs my goal was 260 because I had weighed 260 for many years.

    At 260lbs my goal changed to have a six pack of abs because I realized it was possible. I estimated my goal weight was going to be 230 and 10% BF.

    When I got to 232 I had a 2 pack and a body fat% of about 13%. So my goal changed again.

    The point of this is merely to point out that your goals will probably change over time depending on a multitude of factors. The important part is to set a realistic goal so you believe you can achieve it. Many people set goals 5lbs at a time.
  • I based on my weight when I felt my best and looked my best, including clothe's sizes.
  • My lowest weight as an adult was 136 when I was 19/20 years old. In my earlier twenties I ranged from the 130s to the 180s. When I started this journey last spring at 165, my goal was 138. I felt great at 136 several years ago, but I just didn't know if it was attainable now that I'm 27 and have given birth to 2 babies in less than 2 years. As I got closer, I moved my goal weight down multiple times.

    I was down to 132 in June and felt that I could still lose a few pounds. I'm now UP a few lbs , but my goal is somewhere between 125-130.
  • Let me suggest that you not worry about setting a goal weight now. Whether your ultimate goal is 150 or 160 or 170 will not make an ounce of difference to your behavior today, to the very next food choice you have to make. So why spend time and energy worrying about that now? Focus on the behaviors you need to address, the habits you want to change - the numbers will come in time, and you can pick a goal weight when you are closer and have more of an idea of how different weights might look on you. For now, set "goal behaviors" - stay on plan a certain number of days, exercise a certain number of times a week, etc. - not goal weights.

    I never set a goal weight when I started out - how could I? I had not been a healthy weight since I was 17, and I ain't 17 any more - even the same number I was then wouldn't look the same on me, wouldn't be as feasible to reach or maintain. So I just never bothered with setting a goal weight - the process offers plenty to think about and fret over without worrying about whether I ultimately want to lose 120 or 125 pounds.

    Now that I am very close to a healthy weight - well, guess what, I still don't have a goal weight. My goal is to continue to make good choices and continue to work on good eating and exercise habits. I will decide when I'm done losing weight based on one of two conditions: either (a) I'm happy with where I am, or (b) losing more weight proves to be more effort than I am willing or able to put in.

    I don't see the point of setting "goal weight", some arbitrary number, based upon anything other than those two considerations. I have come to appreciate the value of setting goals based upon what I do, rather than the often unpredictable, uncontrollable outcome of the things I do. I'd rather set a behavior-based goal, so that whether I achieve that goal or not is ENTIRELY within my control.
  • I set my goal weight based on the weight I enjoyed most. I was 120 right after I was heartsick because of bad eating. Wasn't a great way of getting there but my body felt awesome in that period. Fit into nice size jeans and felt comfortable.

    That is my goal for now. But I also know ever since I am about 16 that the easiest to maintain for me is between 125-129. So if I can't get to the 120, that is fine. But I can try to get there in a healthy fashion this time! Though who knows with working out and such I might look just as lean as I did at 120 when I weigh 130?

    Whatever way you decide, make sure you do stay within healthy range and allow yourself to change your goalweight if it's gonna look like you are gonna have to work harder than you -want- to to get there.
  • I was 175 in high school and college, and I was cute and comfortable at that weight. I didn't feel model-gorgeous, but I wasn't "fat" either. I could ride roller coasters and sit in airplane seats without any issues whatsoever. I figure if I get down to 175, or even 180, I'll be happy. Anything past that is bonus.
  • I kind of use multiple sources to figure out my goal range. I say range because I don't know exactly what weight I will stop at, but I gather somewhere between 130 and 140. My lowest "adult" weight (I was actually like, 16) was around 150 lbs, and I really liked how I looked, but would like to go at least 10 lbs lower than that. I also know that, for my height, 140 is right in the middle of the healthy weight range. So that's kind of how I chose that number. However, once I get there, I may decide to lose a bit more b/c I have no idea how I'll look at 140. It's going to be interesting to see!
  • I set mine at the weight I looked good at when I was 27, before my thyroid failed and I started gaining a bunch of weight. I figure it's realistic because I used to be that weight.