DATENIGHT At Grandpa & Nonni's

  • Just a few pics of datenight at Grandpa and Nonni's house...

    some play time...dinner time...reading....

    EDIT ~ I have removed the pictures
  • Thanks for sharing EZ, she's a beauty! I see proud grandparents 4-sho!
  • So cute! Wow, she's grown a lot!
  • so cute I"m living vicariously through other grandparents so I don't become "that kind" of parent.
  • She is adorable, I see why you are so proud of her. I notice you have a new dining chair in your dining room.
  • Adorable! And the grandparents are cute, too!
  • Aww shes so cute!
  • Thanks ladies

    I just love to brag!!

    Yep, Bargoo...that new dining chair was a $15 garage sale special Angie and I picked up a few months ago on a Saturday morning walk... perfect condition!