Oh no...accidentally ate avocado...Help!

  • OMG...I just realized I accidentally cheated this past week. I had lunch at a restaurant for the first time since starting IP almost 4 weeks ago. I was so good and had them leave off cheese and dressing, but there was avocado on my salad. I forgot that is on the restricted list. How bad will it set me back? I have been following the program very strictly until this happened and since. Oh no!!! Help!!
  • its restricted so you will be fine, anyways its in the PAST leave it there!...move on this week is a new week....so put on your happy face and move forward
  • Guess the avocado was better than the cookie that I really wanted to eat, but didn't.

    Thanks, Wuv... Happy face back on!
  • much better than the cookie!!....glad to see it back on ya
  • I don't mean to sound like an a$$hole but do you not think you're overreacting because of an avocado? I agree that it was a much better choice than you cookie (I really would have choosen the cookie cause I hate avocado lol) besides Avocado is healthy for you. Forget you ate it, move on and continue on following your strike diet plan. I doubt it'll set you back at all unless you allow the fact you ate the avocado take over the rest of your life and give up because of it.

    SCREAM DAMN YOU AVOCADO!!! and move on! woot woot, you can do this!
  • Quote: OMG...I just realized I accidentally cheated this past week. I had lunch at a restaurant for the first time since starting IP almost 4 weeks ago. I was so good and had them leave off cheese and dressing, but there was avocado on my salad. I forgot that is on the restricted list. How bad will it set me back? I have been following the program very strictly until this happened and since. Oh no!!! Help!!
    That's like the cheatin' dreams come true!!! Hope you enjoyed it...