I'm checking in! And weight lifting!

  • I haven't logged in since April. And I didn't lose or gain any substantial amount of weight. Last week I was finally getting a new day planner for 2012 and before I tossed out 2011's I took a look at my new years measurements - a tradition since before I joined this forum. January 2011 I weighed in at 155 and size 10 clothing comfortably. 2012 I'm 151 in size 6 work clothes and comfortably in sz4 stretch denim on the weekend. I've starved my way down to 140 and only ever got dizzily in gap stretch 6s... We know thats not a 6. Muscle is amazing. I'm not starving i eat the same caloricly as i did before (my mass needs it). Though i focus more on protien content than i do on fat now... I'm in the weight room 3days a week with yoga every Sunday thrown in. I keep my weight sessions from 1-1.5hrs with fast paced super sets to keep my cardio up. I only ever do a 5min warm up pre-work out on a cardio machine these days. And last May I ran an entire 5k with none of my usually required 30sec walk breaks.

    I'm amazed at this and I wanted to share it with you. (i'm not a ripped freak btw -not that there's anything wrong with that. My arms are a slight surprise in a t-shirt and my post baby belly still suggests softness in my size small shirts)

    I got so fed up with "losing weight" that I gave up. 'Those last 10lbs are the hardest' and I never lost them. -maybe I will now though results are motivating :-) I told myself that it didn't matter anymore what I weighed. I wanted to feel strong, flexible, capable and healthy not hungry. And I blew myself away with what I got.

    2012 I want to be strong enough to walk on my hands, to do at least 4 pull ups (i said i wasnt a ripped freak) and 25 push ups (off my knees)Flexible and balanced enough to do 'the scorpion'. I never made goal, but I'll always have a new one and it's got nothing to do with the scale!

    Be Strong. Eat. Drink water. And eff that scale, if you're within 15lbs of goal and can't jog a block... Wasn't health the point?
  • Congrats!

    Strength training is amazing, isn't it? I love it and I also encourage women to start and let them know that women just CAN'T build muscle like men unless we really set out to do that or something. You're just going to get stronger and leaner, not bigger.
  • I love it!

    Thanks for sharing it was pretty motivational and I agree if I drop a bunch of weight and can't even run a block what the heck is up with that? Weight training I heard is awesome for weight loss, simply because the more muscle we build (not necessary becoming a freak) means the more fat we can burn while doing the bare minim even sleeping and a slower process to weight gain in the end of it, unlike when you're just doing strickly cardio!

    Thanks for sharing!