Haven't binged in 4 days!

  • Might not seem like a lot to most of you, but for me its huge. Since I've started low carb, I've not binged! It's going on 5 days today
  • Congrats!! I can totally appreciate that. I've been struggling with that for the past few weeks. It's not that I don't like the healthier food. It's that I have such huge cravings for the bad food. So a week is a great amount of time! Good for you!
  • Yes! That's exactly what it is for me too! I love healthy foods, but I can even overdo it on those foods, but I had horrible cravings for the bad stuff! I'm really hoping this is the start of a good thing Thanks for your encouragement!
  • Well done! Low carb diets help a lot with cravings. You will notice you are less and less hungry as time goes by, and that you also crave less and less. Keep going!
  • Congrats! It is also huge for me to stop binging. Because I am a HUGE binger (if you call it that way XD), seriously. And for me it's also about like 3-4 days.
  • So proud & happy for you! That's awesome
  • Congratulations! I know how hard it is.
  • It's a really big deal. Every day that you succeed on your plan makes you stronger and gives you confidence. Congratulations and keep going!