The right outfit matters a lot

  • First, let me start by saying I am a cheapo. I kept thinking I would put off buying clothes until I got closer to my goal weight. However, at Christmas, my husband took me shopping to get several outfits for a smaller me, down from a 14 to an 8 (which I discovered at the store). When I look in the mirror at a nude me, I don't really see dramatic differences even for 20 pounds. But today, I was in a public restroom and walked by the large mirrors and noticed how much slimmer I looked in some of my new clothes- like did a double take because I didn't think it was me. So, to those of you that have made some progress but are waiting on the clothes, I think a tiny splurge might be worth it.
  • What a nice experience! Thanks for sharing it! I have a friend who is always complaining about not having nice clothes, and says she will buy what she likes only if she loses weight. Problem is she is not really overweight, and she does not go on a diet either, so she is always dissatisfied with her appearance. What we --her friends-- tell her is that she should not wait for anything to happen to buy flattering clothes; we think that if she starts wearing nicer clothes she will feel so much better that she will lose the couple of pounds she hates...