I am Starting South Beach Today

  • I am glad I found this forum. I am starting South Beach today, after losing my first 10 lbs. on Weight Watchers. I just can't stand the diet, so I am moving on. I can't spend the rest of my life figuring/counting points. It is just too convoluted.

    A few years ago I bought the South Beach books but never really followed the plan. Last night I dusted them off, and here I am.

  • !!! Post often!
  • Thank you Jenn. What great stats! Did you lose it all on South Beach? I have about 50 or so total pounds to lose. I already lost my first 10 on Weight Watchers, which is not for me.
  • Oh I am sorry. I'm as blind as a bat. I see you are still on your journey...(makes note to myself to get new computer glasses...), but I skimmed your blog and it's a great blog..and you are in the process! That's all that matters!
  • Welcome Joyce! We do love our coffee around here. Speaking of which, might be time for another pot

    regular participation around here made all the difference for me this time (as opposed to the dozens of other times I lost weight). Hope you find it as helpful as I do and hope we see you around the Daily
  • Thank you so much Cyndi. This is definitely the friendliest website I have ever visited.
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome! I'm a quasi-SBDer. I'm basically always in Phase 2 because I'm a vegetarian and can't do Phase 1 easily (because of the lean meat restriction). Anyways, make yourself at home coffee's over there...
  • to The Beach, Joyce!
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Nice to meet you
  • Quote: Thank you Jenn. What great stats! Did you lose it all on South Beach? I have about 50 or so total pounds to lose. I already lost my first 10 on Weight Watchers, which is not for me.
    Yup, lost -30 pounds on South Beach!
  • Awesome Jenn!
  • Hello, everyone. My name is Amber and I started SBD on Wednesday. It's going pretty well so far, I think. Already a pound down!

  • Best move you've ever made Joyce and you too Amber enjoy the journey guys