Fitbit or similar device?

  • Sorry if there have been previous postings on here, I didn't notice them in the first few threads...but I was hoping to get some fitbit info from someone who has one as I'm a bit confused.

    If you have one can you tell me:

    How accurate does it seem for calories burned?

    Do you have to log all of your calories manually or can it tell you that?

    How well does it track sleep?

    I currently use for guesses on food/exercise and hope for something more accurate - please help! All suggestions on other devices welcome!
  • Quote: Sorry if there have been previous postings on here, I didn't notice them in the first few threads...but I was hoping to get some fitbit info from someone who has one as I'm a bit confused.

    If you have one can you tell me:

    How accurate does it seem for calories burned?

    Do you have to log all of your calories manually or can it tell you that?

    How well does it track sleep?

    I currently use for guesses on food/exercise and hope for something more accurate - please help! All suggestions on other devices welcome!

    As for the calorie accuracy: I had a Body Media, and stopped my subscription after I got my fitbit. I wore both for a few days, and the fitbit was always about 100 calories under what the BM said.. for a no-monthly-fee device and it being WAY EASIER to hide, I'll take that!

    Do you mean my food-calories? I'm not sure how any device would know how much I've eaten unless I've told it.. It has an app that you can use to add your own food in - much like livestrong - but I don't use it. I used to use livestrong, but the app crashed EVERY. DARN. DAY. and I got tired of it. I use MyNetDiary app now and its amazing.

    As far as sleep, you press the little button on it when you go to bed, and then press it again when you wake up. When I actually remember to do this, lol, its very accurate. I can log on and see exactly when I've gotten up to pee or whatever... Or even when my DH has come to bed and I've woken up momentarily.

    Having used both a fitbit and a BodyMedia, I can say that I liked the BodyMedia, but I LOVE my fitbit. Its free to use once I bought it, its VERY SMALL so I don't have to always explain what that giant thing is on my arm, and its just as accurate. I like seeing my steps, and how many floors I've climbed.. I love it!!
  • Thank you! I got mine yesterday - it wouldn't go in to sleep mode which is disappointing - it just kept starting a stopwatch...- but I LOVE it already!
  • lm3898, once it starts the stopwatch hit the button again and it will be in sleep mode. I heart my fitbit!!
  • Thanks Julie! Also, do you know the best place to wear it - I took a kickboxing call and the cals seemed a little low - I wear it like 2 inches to the right of my belly button on my workout pants - do you think bra is better?