Pedometer - How many steps per AP?

  • I'm sure it's different depending on how much you weigh, but I've had something strange happen with mine.

    Originally, I weighed 194 and was getting a point at about each 1500 steps. A few days ago, I decided to update it, and moved my weight down to 191 and now I'm getting sporadic points. Thursday, I walked 4,857 and got 1 point. Friday, I walked 18,271 and got 9 points. Today, so far, I've walked 10,271 and earned 4 points. Also, when I reset it a few days ago, it put my stride at 30 and I'm almost positive it was at 28 before. I am pretty sure the first day (4,857/1 point) was at 30 and then I changed it to 28 because I knew something was wrong and was pretty sure it was 28 before.

    Has anyone had this happen? About how many points is 1 AP?

    Thanks for any help!
  • I should also add - for those of you that have pedometers - How often do you change your weight? Once a week? Once a month?

  • I'm maintaining, so I don't change mine, but it takes between 8000 & 9000 to get to the first AP, after that they accumulate faster.

    Try not changing it for awhile, a month or so and record everything and see if you can see consistency. Or, I bought a fancy Omron, and wore both of them for awhile, one on each hip. They counted about the same, except the Omron doesn't give you AP's.

    But at least I knew I was getting consistent step counts.
  • Thanks, Shcirerf! I'd love to know others experiences with this as well....anyone?

    Many Thanks!