ARRGGHH-hurt my back, can't exercise

  • Hi,
    I don't know what I did, but my lower back started bugging me today. I've had chronic lower back problems for years, and a pinched nerve that acts up. I went to the chiropractor and feel much better, but he said not to ride my exercise bike for a few days.

    I'm all upset about that now-who would have thought I'd be upset about not being able to exercise? I've been enjoying my 20 minutes a day on my bike-I watch episodes of Mary Tyler Moore or Mad About You on DVD while I pedal, or I read.

    Can you gain weight by not exercising for a couple of days? I'm feeling all neurotic about it now. At least these feelings show I've made exercise part of my life, something I've never done before.

  • i don't think it will hurt you too bad.

    do streches if you can -- and remember that you can't eat those calories you usually work off!
  • Good for you, missing exercise. I can only aspire to that at this point.

    I agree w/Holly. Cut back on calories a bit, and stretching is better than nothing.