New and Nervous

  • Hi everyone......

    I registered with 3FC a couple of years ago but can't remember if I ever posted anything. I have spent the last few days reading posts and drinking in the encouragement and I realized that I want to be a part of this community - I need to be. You guys are so encouraging and supportive.

    Let me tell you about myself - I am 53 years old and have been overweight since my 20's. In my early 30's I was up to about 230 lbs. In 2005 I quit smoking (good thing) but my weight went up from about 270 to the 300+ range. My highest recorded weight has been 363 lbs. and that was in October 2010.

    On November 7, 2011 I started again and weighed in at 354 lbs. Today - November 10th I am at 347.8. I have a long way to go but I need to do this.

    Thanks for being here.
  • Welcome to the forum! Congrats on quitting smoking, this is a very hard thing to do.
    There is a ton of support and information on this website.
    If you have not done so, browse the goal forums, many people have lost a large amount of weight, it is possible! Break your weight loss down into small goals, reaching your mini goals will help you feel good about yourself and give you confidence to keep going.
    Best of luck to you!
  • WELCOME! You'll find a great bunch of people here. Remember, one day at a time, one meal at a a time, one pound at a time. Cheering you on to goal!
  • Thanks for the warm welcomes. I like the idea of small goals - seems much more possible to accomplish.