SBD Chat - Tuesday, November 8

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  • Good morning from still dark Delta. I don't know why I was expecting the sun to be up at 6:16.

    Did I ever mention that I love my physician? Dr Jack was booked solid yesterday but worked me in. He actually came down to the quilting room and hauled me out when he had some time. He was concerned about the weight gain and the edema and my sky high blood pressure. I'm now on a fairly strong diuretic and he has ordered bloodwork for next week when things settle down. In the meantime, I'm to keep the legs elevated as much as possible and not drink extra water which will keep the kidneys from overworking. The weight will leave as the water leaves.

    Thanks to everyone who helped me worry about this. We really are a family!

    So today will be a relatively quiet day. I do have a 7:30 appointment to get snow tires put on but that's just a ten minute drive and I can sit with my legs up while it gets done. After that I'll sit and watch daytime TV and do some hand sewing and wait for the whoosh.

    Happy Twos-day.
  • I'm glad to hear this, Ruth. I was worried about you!

    I'm also retaining too much water, but that's because I was heavy handed this weekend with the salt and also with the wine. And, I haven't been drinking enough water for a long time. When I switched my diet to be more carb heavy, I never adjusted my water intake (probably drinking even less water than I was before, which is not smart) so I'm really bloated. I'm trying to flush my own system out too.

    Hope everyone has a great day today. For us it's the usual: work, son has a mini camp (schools closed) but hubby will make triple time because it's technically a union holiday. We can really use the money for our vacation.
  • Ruth, I was worried, too. I'm glad you have a great doctor. Daytime TV is awful. I hope you have a nice book.

    Mathilda, Where are you going on Vacation?

    I was up 3 pounds this morning. My FIL made boiled peanuts -- salty and yummy! Up the water intake today!
  • Good morning The sun is definitely coming up here and I've been enjoying the colors while sipping my coffee. It makes me cranky at 4 pm but I like the mornings.

    Ruth - I am so glad you saw the doc and he is on top of this. Do you have a book you've been wanting to read? Sounds like a good time for something you can't put down that will keep you in your chair. Happy whooshing

    Matilda - When is the next vacation? It's so nice to have those times away to plan for.

    So yesterday was a ridiculously long and varied day. We arrived at 5:45 and Julie wasn't settled in her room until almost 9. I'm heading up for 9 and hope to be there when the doctors round. Lots of good news - the surgery went without a hitch, the tumor was completely removed with good margins and, very significant, the margins were clean. There is a lot of concern about potential damage to one of the breathing nerves, a very big deal for someone with her illness. She is breathing well though and completely on her own, so we are optimistic. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and support.

    Back on the South Beach ranch, I do get lots of exercise at that hospital complex. Now to get my food back in order. Stress doesn't always lead to the best choices for me. Today is a new day though and I will make good, healthy food choices.

    ETA - good morning Chel Boiled peanuts sound both yummy and very dangerous.
    that reminds me - I bought a container of nuts at Au Bon Pain thinking they would be a good, fast protein hit yesterday and they were glistening with oil. Who does that to nuts on the shelf?!
  • Ruth, thank goodness for Dr. Bob taking good care of you, and I do hope you listen to him and keep your legs elevated! I'm really concerned about your sky-high blood pressure, though. Please take care.

    Matilda! I find I have to force myself to drink water during the colder months. It just doesn't have any appeal to me.

    It's looking like another lovely day, and supposed to be even milder than yesterday. The girls have off school but are going on the Fox Hunt with their mother and won't be back til around 2, so I'll be on my own most of the day.
    I guess I'll take my Kindle along to keep me occupied.

    Right now I'm sipping a delightful mug of coffee from my brand new Keurig, which Jake surprised me with yesterday.

    As Ruthie said, have a great Twos-day!
  • Good morning, Chelby! Boiled peanuts sound interesting. I can't say I've ever had them. And I agree, daytime TV is awful! A good book or some needlework sounds much more apppealing.

    Cyndi, I am so glad Julie's surgery was so successful, and will continue to keep her in my prayers, especially about any nerve damage. Give her a gentle hug from me.
  • Good morning, ladies. I'm going to try to come back for personals later but I just wanted to pop in and say hello before I head to bed for the night. Made a poor choice this morning and went to the gym on a VERY empty stomach. Got really lightheaded to the point where I had to grab a snickers bar. Boooo!!! And what's horrible is that I don't even like the taste of them anymore, LOL But the good news is I felt better after getting some sugar in me.

    Ruth, I'm so glad to hear that your doctor was able to take care of you. You follow those doctor's orders, missy, and get better!!!
  • Good morning, early birds. I mean chicks.

    Aldergrove BC - Welcome!

    Ruth - Take care of yourself and try to enjoy the "feet up" time.

    Matilda - I find it hard to drink enough now that the weather is colder. But I have a glass with me now

    Chelby - Isn't it amazing how we can gain like that overnight!? Hopefully it will come off just as fast.

    Cyndi - Glad to hear things went well.

    Linda - Is it a holiday today? You and Matilda have me wondering.

    Natasha - That photo comparison is quite something!

    I could not sleep. I think it was because DH was tossing and turning. Finally I gave up a bit after 5:00. I'll have trouble staying awake tonight with the earlier darkness. Getting my hair done today. Got a bunch of little things to get done. Some leftover from yesterday which seemed to fly by. I did get new shoes yesterday which is pretty exciting because I have bad feet and it's hard to find shoes that work. AND, these are expensive but not nearly as expensive as others I've bought. If they work well I can buy them online in all sorts of fun colors. Such excitement in my life
  • Karen, it is a holiday, Election Day.

    Natasha, I hope you are feeling better after that little incident. Scary!

    AldergroveBC, We're glad to have you on board!
  • Good news Ruth!!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Good Morning

    A flyby-I have to leave for work in 5 min! Foodwise, I'm doing pretty good. I still haven't taken 1 bite at the new job.

    AldergroveBC, Welcome!

    Ruth, glad that Dr. Jack has a good plan for you!

    Cyndi, glad to hear that Julie is doing great and the surgery was a success!

  • good morning,

    Ruth - glad things are settling down, do listen to the dr.
    Mmc - have a nice day. You are so looking foward to your holiday aren/t you.
    Chelby - I have boiled peanuts once in Georgia, can't say I liked them. Must be an acquired taste.
    Cyndi - hope your day at the hospital goes by quickly. They are so tiring. Glad that Julie is feeling better.
    Cottage - enjoy your coffee and hope the day is quiet for you.
    Karen - I know the thrill of getting new shoes. I wear orthotics and dread when they are changed and don't fit any of my shoes because I always have to buy the expensive ones.
    jenne - enjoy your day, are you still by the pool.

    not much here today, I will be making a new soup for lunch and hope to go for a long walk since the weather is nice. Also hope to finish weaving a scarf and am knitting a hat for my grandson.
    take care
  • Good morning,

    Ruth- glad that the Doctor is taking care of you.

    Cyndi- glad to hear that the surgery went well.

    Okay back to work just a quick check- in for me. Yesterday was the first day without sugar for me after spiral down from steps one day at a time.

    Have a great day everyone
  • We're going up to Albany for a night to see a friend of DH's, and on the way we are detouring through the Catskills to an area where I spent many summers as a child. The area is quite economically depressed and always has been, and the summers I spent there were emotionally difficult for me - I was between the ages of 8-12, an only child, not placed in camp and there were no other kids around save a couple who sometimes came up for a long weekend to visit their grandparents. My parents had bought a run down cabin and were very committed to fixing it up, so that's where their focus was. I was not particularly good at amusing myself and there was no tv and I was not even allowed to bring my little portable record player! (when I ask my parents about this now, they are not sure why I wasn't allowed to bring it - I just wasn't for whatever reason). I was never a child who liked the outdoors so I just had horrible, lonely summers there for many years.

    (Wow, this post is turning out to be much longer than I thought). Anyway, the last year of so my parents owned this cabin there was always an awful smell of gas around and the gas company kept coming out but not finding any kind of leak. All the appliances were really, reallly old - the fridge had one of those doors that locked. That year my parents decided to sell and I was SO happy. A couple of weeks after they sold the cabin there was a gas explosion and the place burned down! I've been back a couple of times and actually the land was bought by the person who lives in back of it (so it wouldn't be developed) but they never cleared the foundation and it's all just completely overgrown and weird. Our old dog's name is still carved in one of the trees.

    Every couple of years I get the urge to drive around that area. Maybe I'm trying to exorcise the experience, I don't know. It was certainly during very formative years of my life. My husband indulges me and takes me wherever I want to go. So, since we'll be heading up to Albany I asked him if we could detour and he said yes.

    After Albany, we're heading to Boston for a couple of days and then we'll swing back to Rhinebeck to see my parents for Thanksgiving. That's my story - much longer than I intended it to be!
  • Good Tuesday Morning!

    So glad to hear that Julie and Ruthare on the mend.
    It's a beautiful day here in CT and I am feeling very motivated. I might just get this house completely cleaned today.

    I've really been watching my food choices. I need to lose weight this month and get back on track. It's scarey how quickly the weight piles on and I'm determined not to gain everything back!

    Here's to a great day on The Beach!