whooshed into ONEDERLAND!!!!

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  • I changed my Halloween Onederland countdown ticker this morning, still happy because I was so close and I was sure I could make it by Thanksgiving.

    But then I got on the scale so I could update one of my challenges and I had a giant whoosh from Sunday's WI - all the way to Onederland!!!

    I'm shocked because I was not even remotely expecting it. But ecstatic too, of course!!!

  • Congratulations April. You are an inspiration for me to follow.
  • I think our bodies give us extra credit points for doing well over Halloween! My plateau finally broke this morning.

    I love those big surprise drops! How exciting for you!! Yay!
  • Congratulations, how exciting!
  • Congratulations April! Hard work always pays off!
  • April, that is awesome!!!! Yay for you!!!!!
  • thanks cathi, fyreflie, runningfromfat, josey and preciousmissy!

    It was even more fun since it was such a big surprise, and I wasn't anxiously waiting for the scale to change.
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations!
  • That's amazing! Congratulations!
  • Congrats!! What an awesome surprise!
  • Congratulations April Wow you have come a long way- Sending Happy Dances Your Way
  • thanks so much Paula, desertmouse, kylonaa, riesz and goal4agirl!
  • What an awesome surprise! You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • I have to chime in here, too, even though I commented in one of the challenge threads. You've done such a great job! I'm proud of you and I remmber just how excited I was to get under 200 pounds. I know you're flying high! Keep it up - you don't have a final goal posted, but this has to take you more than half way there. Did you ever think you would accomplish this so quickly? Keep it up!

    Those 2 fun sized bags of m&m's you stressed over can go jump in the lake! (I know - you didn't really stress about them - it's just funny that things happen - up AND own - whether we expect them or not!)
