• Hey Folks! WE MADE IT!

    Today's the end date of the Sept/Oct WW MM Challenge!

    GIVE US YOUR FINAL UPDATES! Fill in the Spreadsheet when you get the chance and tell us all about what you've accomplished.

    Congratulations to everyone for sticking with it!


    For anyone interested I'm going to be putting up a new MM challenge for November/December. (Tough two months for those watching what you're eating.) Be on the lookout and sign up.

    First Lovely, thank you SO MUCH for the work you've done for the challenge, updating the threads and everything... We owe you!

    For the challenge, I'm really glad to say that it is the first time I ever succeeded a weight lost challenge! My goal wasn't the biggest ever, but I'm really happy I made it anyway 6.8 pounds lighter is better than nothing!

    I also improved on the exercising level, hitting for the first time 7k while running (never ran farthest than 5k before the challenge).

    The boyfriend and I also realized that if we want to stick with this lifestyle, we needed to make change while cooking. We made a loooooot of changes when we started, but we kinda fell in a comfort zone, ''cooking speaking'', always preparing the same low points receipes. And we got bored. And we were slowly starting to get back to our old lifestyles last summer.

    But during this challenge, we made a lot of effort to put some diversity in our plates, by looking a lot online, in receipes book, trying new kind of veggies, fish ans meat, etc. We are becoming some mighty cooks

    The end of this challenge is a bit overwhelming to me, realizing I can actually acheive something in the weight loss department. With weight goal slowly (really slowly lol) starting to show up, that's a terrific motivation boost

    I'll definitly be signing up for the November/December challenge! Count me in!

    Congratulations again to everyone sticking to the challenge, I think we all diserve a big HURRAYYYY!
  • Yes, thank you Lovely for creating this challenge and to everyone who offered encouragement.

    I didn't think that I would meet my weight loss goal for this challenge, but I ended up being 1lb under goal! This is the first challenge on 3fc that I have ever done, I'm excited! My other goals were to still be posting to the challenge thread until the end of the challenge, which I did, and to pack healthy lunches and snacks to take with me to school, which I somewhat did. That goal was only somewhat met. I have improved on it, but still struggle with it. I have also become more attentive to the amount of sleep I am getting each night. I am happy about the things I have learned and the things I have accomplished through this challenge.
  • THANK YOU lovely for keeping this going!
    Everyone did an awesome job and it really kept me on track, I am looking forward to the next challenge
  • Thank you to all who participated!

    It was truly inspiring to see everyone create wonderful goals and strive towards them.

    I've got some final results here for funsies!

    As a group, we lost a total of 138 pounds! We've lost a whole person! That is just phenomenal.

    Interested in continuing? There's a new challenge going on RIGHT NOW! Join in at any time.