Are there any team challenges? Something where others rely on you to lose to win?

  • Hi! I'm not having the best luck with losing weight these days.
    I'm usually pretty good at challenges... but I think I'd be even better if there was something like team challenges where teammates would have to depend on each other to lose weight! Is there anything like that already?? Or should I start something. I just know it would help me knowing there are others out there depending on me and cheering me on.
  • hi kristen - no, i've not seen anything like that. Although i haven't looked very hard!! Sounds like a good idea though.
  • just started one if you're interested!
  • i would do, except i'm overseas without weighing scales from 22 Dec to mid jan which must be the all-important bit of the 12-week challenge!!

    also, i'm pretty close to target now, so not such a great team member as my loss will be very slow from here.

    it's a great idea though - good luck with it!