IF: Questions

  • Hi

    Is there a forum for IF? I am interested in getting a general idea of how it's done to see if it's something that interests me. What better way than to read the comments of other participants?!! My main question is, is there a specific number of hours that your fasting window should be?

    Thanks for any help you can give me.
  • Hi! I think there are a couple of IF threads floating around . . . at least there used to be. Anyway, my fasting window is usually from 10 pm to 2 pm the next day. Sometimes I break my fast a couple of hours later than that, though, depending on my appetite that particular day. I don't know if there's any specific number of hours it "should" be, but that's usually what works for me, 8 hours or less eating window/16 hours or more of fasting. That's just my experience, hope it helped
  • Quote: Hi! I think there are a couple of IF threads floating around . . . at least there used to be. Anyway, my fasting window is usually from 10 pm to 2 pm the next day. Sometimes I break my fast a couple of hours later than that, though, depending on my appetite that particular day. I don't know if there's any specific number of hours it "should" be, but that's usually what works for me, 8 hours or less eating window/16 hours or more of fasting. That's just my experience, hope it helped
    Thanks! I did see a thread about IF and I will look down through the old ones to look for more. I am retired, so I don't get up first thing in the morning. I used to eat when I got up, then a couple hours later I was eating lunch before I exercised. I felt like I was eating when I wasn't really hungry. So I started to eat 1 meal somewhere in the middle instead of the two. That's what made me think of IF. I could stop eating earlier in the evening and then eat my first meal for lunch before I exercise. I might not be able to get to 16 hours of fasting. Maybe 12-14. I am type 2 diabetic, so I have to be careful how long I go without food. But I will start to experiment and see what I can do.
  • There are a lot of different approaches to IF and I think the best way to find the right one for you is to start with the one that would best fit your lifestyle and adjust from there.!Popular ones are 24hr fasts 1-2x a week, 14/10 (great for beginning weeks or days) 18/6, 16/8, and 19/5 or 20/4. I do anything from 16/8 to 20/4 depending on my day. I dont have a hard and fast rule anymore on start and stop times, but I did for the first tough adjustment week. Now that I'm used to being in a fasted state and used to the sensation of hunger I'm more in tune with when it's time to stop so I don't mind tweaking it as needed.