Excited to be here!

  • Hello all,
    My name is Jamie and I just joined this site recently. I am really excited about all the things this site has to offer. My personal weight loss journey began when about 2.5 years ago after my father had a heart attack. This event made me realize that my weight, which at the time was around 200 lbs, was too high, and furthermore that my eating habits were putting my future health in serious risk. I decided to clean up my diet, begin exercising, and here I am now 45 lbs lighter. Although I have made it a long way, I still have another 10-15 lbs to go, and those seem to be the hardest ones.

    Beyond just my personal investment in my own weight loss journey, I am interested in the weight loss journies of others. Because my childhood was wrought with unhealthly foods that made me a chubby kid, and overweight adolescent, and an obese adult, I am going to school to study adolescent health with specific focus on overweight and obese children. Through being a member of this website I hope to learn about different issues that affect weight loss across the age spectrum and how online communities interact with those issues. So sometimes I am learning for myself, and at other times I am learning as a part of my larger research project on learning ways to improve the health of individuals.

    I hope that you will all be willing to share your stories and tips with me and I will share mine with you.
  • Welcome to the forum! Congrats on your 45lb loss! Best of luck reaching your weight loss goals.