70 down, 30ish to go!

  • Wow looking back at old pictures really starts to put it into perspective when I feel like I am stalled or having a 'feeling fat' day. Came across this one, not even at my highest weight (eek!) and then one from just the other day. This was the motivation I was looking for today

  • You go girl. You are doing awesome!
  • Wow Congrats!!! You look great already; you're almost there!!!!
  • You look amazing! What an inspiration!
  • You look fabulous! Great work!
  • Love the outfit in your slimmer pic -- you are doing so well!
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words the first part of the journey seemed to be the easiest, the last bit is much harder but I am up for the challenge!!
  • You are doing amazing! Go for it!
  • goooooood jop
  • super
  • You're doing great!!! Keep it up
  • Wow, 71 pounds is A LOT of lost weight. Congratulations.
  • Awesome u r looking good!!! keep looking at those pics when u r feeling like its too hard and u need motivation