Moanday chick chatter Feb. 3

  • Good Morning Glories!

    Currently on my final overnight shift till the weekend. Off at 8 am today and then I can catch up on the sleep I've been missing for the last few days. All told, I have worked 40 hours in the last 4 days!

    Today is a HUGE emotional day for me. I get to register Miree for school. I'm telling you, I feel like they are snatching my baby from my arms, but as much feeling I have about the whole thing, I know it is time for her. It's just so hard for mommy to reconcile herself to the fact that her baby chick is ready to grow up! I swear, I am not looking forward to the first day of school, I may fall apart! As for how Miree feels about it, she's as eager as ever. This week marks the transition to the senior room and next week she will be a full senior. It's a big change for her, but from what I have heard from her teachers and seen for myself, she's a duck to water. It's only Mom who's having a hard time with it. For right now, the registration process is the mark of things to come for both of us. Let's hope I survive!

    Hope you all have a great day chicks!
  • Morning Pooky, it is 5:25am, the rain stopped sometime during the night,and now we are snowing
    Hope all to come will have a large slice of a great day with good things on the side. This week I work and have Thursday off as I work the weekend. I have been pritty good staying on program and I do so enjoy the tredmill. So kinda looking for a loss this week at tops. This is my busy week in the month, Monday Fire meeting, Tuesday Aux. meeting, Wed is tops, then I have Thursday off,Fri,Sat.,Sun., I work
    Pooky, I hate to tell you but when they start school everything changes. They do grow up and before you know it they are gone. My baby will be 25 this year .
    Well I am going to go and read some threads,
    Love Tazcat
  • Good morning, Early Chicks. Hersh is still sleeping on the bed but I've been awake since 4. I don't know why I don't just get up instead of lying there petting a sleeping dog.

    Pooky, yes, life will change when Miree goes to school but it will be OK! After all we do bring our kids up so they can be independant. She will be just fine, of course, and you will adjust.

    Yesterday was so strange. I just could not get enthused about life. Part of it was sorrow over the shuttle crash and the 7 teens killed in the avalanche BUT part of it was a remark someone made in Church that I didn't look well! I was fine, just badly in need of a haircut! Strange but I had myself convinced I was "not well" by noon when I shook myself out of it. (I think I really was wanting an excuse not to go to Show Handling class. Lucy did OK at class except she sometimes gets bored and lies down when she has to stand for a long time.)

    We finally got hold of the ploughing lad who informed us his truck is toast. Today Harry has to find us another lad because we have to clear the lane before we get stuck.

    I am off to Ottawa around 8:30 to see my oldest friend Shirleyanne whom I have not seen for about 2 years! That is so awful! She lived right near Mum's LTC facility so I visited her a lot when Mum was alive but am badly out of touch. Shirl and I have been friends since we were both 18, our kids are the same age, we both are dog and sewing nutcases but we have kind of lost touch. So today it will be coffee and lunch and catch up day. Cherish your women friends, chickies, they will bring you tea and aspirins in your old age.

    I'm going to sneak in a shower and shampoo before the house wakes up! Have a super Monday and hug someone today because life is precious.
  • Morning girls. I have been here popping in briefly but checking just the same.

    Poky miree will be just fine do not cry untill you have walked out. Just know some day you will be so thankful she is in school then next thing you will wonder why school ever has days off. and hope they lengthen school days and years!!!

    as for me it is FLY-WAV. time to catch up with the mess here and get ahead of the kids!! I will be stopping in for my breaks!!!
  • pooky... from what i've seen with friends and families, the first time the kids walk out the door for school, mom is in tears. the next year, mom is cheering and planning a celebratory breakfast or lunch with friends! it'll be ok.

    ruth. maybe you need an escape to the sunny south??? ANY point south??? and petting dogs in the middle of the night is so very soothing.

    maggie louise met another dog yesterday afternoon on our hike [yes, i wore the knee brace!]. and shock of shocks, she got all submissive!!!! as far as we know, this was her first encounter with another dog [well, since puppyhood]. he wanted to play and was a bit aggressive. she kind of wanted to play but was very uncertain and clung to me. a couple more encounters, and they'll be off and running. the dog's owner is a man about my age, and scruffy. but he loves his dog, and that's what counts. and by scruffy, i'm not talking about grubby weekend clothes. i'm talking long hair, untrimmed beard, bad teeth, pickup truck.

    don't worry. i had my cell phone [oh the joys of modern life!].

    mom is up and moving, she knows it's exercise class today. i'm going to work [ick].

    nice to see you sue. you've been gone for so long!!!! i've missed your wit and wisdom, and tales.

    taz.. it seems to be a contest between you and pooky to see who's posting first!!!! and you're a busy lady!

    every time i see or hear anything about the shuttle crash or the avalanch, it just hurts. so much tragedy!
  • But Jiff, he might clean up real good! Let me know if you need help. We have lots of those guys around here and they are salvagable!
  • Good Morning!

    dottie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your SIL's family. I'm so sorry.

    Pooky, signing your child up for school and the first day of school is so emotional for Mom. I agree, don't let her see you cry.

    taz, you just keep that snow in your area...okay We were in the 70's yesterday, hubby and I sat outside all day in the sun. Today will be 65......but it's gonna come back and kick our butt's by the end of the week....more cold weather planned.

    Ruth enjoy your lunch out with your friend.

    Jiff sorry you have to go to work today, but I guess someone has to do it ducking as the high protein lunch bag is hurled in my direction

    Went to Sam's over the weekend, today I need to split the huge packs of meat and freeze in family size servings. I really hate this job.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • Okay girls, I'm starting over...again. Wish me luck , and no disasters to give me an excuse to cheat. Ole Alvin has been telling me I need to have my hearing checked, so Today is the day. I have mixed feelings about it. I'll let you know how it turns out and if you need to start tpying in CAPS for me.
  • Morning all!!

    Well, took some Benedryl and slept well last night I know I probably shouldn't but sleep is so very important to me!! Got up today with a cold, sore throat--sinus headache--yuck!!

    Little Miss Queenie Butt told me she did not feel so well today, she wanted to stay home from pre-school--Ok I say--now my girls is romping all over this house I think she feels better?? Actually she does have a cold--so I won't call her a hookey player just yet.


    Pooky--Can say I've been in your shoes twice--and Jiffy is right--now I count down the summer breaks and dance when school starts again!! Put on a brave face chickiepoo--it'll be alright!!

    Ruthxxx--get some Benedryl... of course you may actually like getting up in the middle of the night not me--of course it gives me an excuse to be grumpy all day!!

    nasus--I am with you today--I can't believe the state of this house--that is one thing I don't like about weekends--or maybe it is just Mondays I don't like..........anyway I'll know I'm not alone!!!

    Taz--you have a busy week planned!! Good Luck at TOPS--I hope you show a loss!!

    Well Ladies--I will be checking in frequently today I'm sure--I'm gonna check out some cabbage recipes in a little bit, and do a 107 fling boogie

    take care all!!
    and remember...there is strength in numbers!!

  • good morning! today is monday and i am on plan! i had a lovely scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast with two glasses of water. now to indulge in a cup of decaf with cream and splenda!

    i feel like i am cheating as opposed to being on program!! lunch today is chicken sauteed in olive oil with fajita seasoning over romaine lettuce with balsamic vinegar. i have not planned out dinner yet - maybe a cup of veggies and some salad...

    have a wonderful day!
  • Good afternoon all!

    Pooky my thoughts are with you. Jacob is only 2 1/2 and I think every day about how different life is going to be when he goes to school. I taught for 5 years before opening a preschool but it doesn't make it any easier. Take the others advice and don't let her see you cry. There really should be a support group for this day!
    I was making cupcakes last night for one of my kids birthday today and I licked a huge gob of icing off my finger without thinking. I was so upset. I have not had cravings for sweets in at least two weeks and today I am fighting not to eat one of the cupcakes. I thought that I would chew a peice of sugar free gum to help but it made my tongue go numb abd I still want the cupcakes. Going to be a long afternoon.
    Good luck Barb!
    I feel like I am cheating too Missy. One of my friends jaw dropped when I told her what I was eating and could'nt believe I could loose weight doing so.

  • Good afternoon all sound like dear friends. It is so encouraging to hear your stories. I know there are so many ups and downs in our lives, but isn't it wonderful to have a place to share them.
    I can really relate to Mustang Mama's message of starting over. In a sense we all start over each morning don't we?
    I am trying to focus on just doing the day, letting go of the past and looking forward to tomorrow. Of course I'm not always able to accomplish this... Anyways I hope to become one of your gal-pals. Let's all have a great day.. Lori
  • We woke this morning to the sound of backhoes and big diesel trucks!! Yesterday I discovered this bubble up of water coming up between the curb and the pavement. Hubby called the city, and this morning they arrived fully loaded to dig up the yard and the street. Water was off all morning, and we discovered that the pipe that had sprung a leak, was over 100 yrs old!!!! The water is back on, and really really brown, with floaters in it!!!

    My excitement for the day.........watching the city workers dig a hole.....wouldnt be so bad if it was 90 in the shade and they had to take their shirts off But they were dressed to their ears!!

    Everyone have a great day!!!
  • Afternoon Ladies!!

    Robin--just think, if it was 90, and they had their shirts off--their pants would also come down some--just enough to make it obscene but not sexy!! I know from experience--I had workers out here all summer working on my pipes--it was crack city!!!

    Well, been OP today--had alot of fat unfortunately I think--THroat is so sore, I'm gonna have to skip aerobics tonight----Oh well, there is always tomorrow.........

    have a great night ladies!!