Hi everyone and some of my fears.

  • Hi everyone,

    I have been lurking for about two weeks but I figured it was time to do an introduction. My name is Marilyn and I live out of the San Francisco Bay Area (South Bay).

    Like so many people, I have always been overweight my entire life. I wouldn't blame my parents as they did not grow up in the USA and my mother always home cooked all our meals. I want to say that I steadily stayed the same weight while I lived at home. It was only when I went out to college that I really ballooned. My max weight or all time high was 210 (when I graduated from college) but I quickly lost 10 pounds once I moved to California and have been hovering in the 198 range for the better part of the last 2.5 years.

    Throughout the last 2.5 years I have tried many things, the most ridiculous of them being, I spent $6k on a trainer (that got me about 5 months worth), which helped me lost fat but all I did was gain muscle, so I never dropped out of the 194 range, which quickly went back to 198 range.

    I'm not sure what it was but I wanted to lose weight but maybe my mind wasn't in it. In fact, I know that's what it was. My mind hasn't been in it.

    Through all the random things I tried in the last 2.5 years, I never really drastically cut my calories. I wasn't gaining weight, but I wasn't losing and on average I would eat about 2000 calories per day. I tried a support group at the gym, that also failed, mostly because I wasn't ready to accept the support at that time.

    Something clicked with me about 2 months ago where, I just felt at my lowest and I slowly started to cut down calories and then three weeks ago, I started writing down everything I ate and now I try to stay at 1200 calories for the day. Although I will say that today and yesterday I ate 1400 calories. (I just had my wisdom teeth pulled so I spent 3 days at definitely under 1200 so I guess my body is trying to make it up?) Being at 1200 calories the last three weeks hasn't been hard for me. I have gone to bed hungry and have felt hunger but then I think back and really say, wow I have never really *felt* what hunger is like until now and i'm ok with the feeling.

    I feel I have enough energy to work out and I am in great health (I just had my cholesterol checked and the doc said it was "excellent".) My thyroid function is also awesome. I have no enemies in losing weight except myself. And...that's what I fear, myself. I don't want to sabotage myself. I don't want to fail anymore.

    In my mind I always figured that losing weight was impossible for me. It sort of felt like I was punishing myself or that I deserved to be over weight as some sort of sick punishment for other things in my life.

    That's the attitude I have been working on changing now. I think I have changed it but I write it down every day as a reminder. Everything is possible and I can do anything, I am young and I can get down to 140. !

    So that's my plan, I will eat 1200 calories per day until I feel I am too tired to exercise, in which case, I will add back a little until I can exercise.

    I am really aiming to make a life style change this time. I want to lose this weight once and for all. I want to get down to 140. My starting weight being 197 that means I have 57 pounds to lose!

    In the last two months I am down to 185 so, I guess I only have 45 more to go.

    .... And that's my super long introduction. Thanks for reading.

    P.S Also my weight loss has been contributed to the fact that late July I started training for my first 5k which I accomplished three weeks ago! I never ever thought in a million years that I would ever be able to run a 5K and now I have ran 2 and I am running my third this upcoming Sunday!

    That has been extra motivation for me.
  • WOW! Congrats on your amazing success! You are doing a great job!
    My only one caution would be not to restrict your calories too much, especially with all your exercise. Eating 1400-1500 with all your exercise will still allow you to lose weight. Be sure to allow yourself some treats once in a while so you do not get burned out.
    Best of luck to you!!
  • That's amazing being able to run! Yay you!
    You really seem interested in your own energy levels. I really decided to lose weight when I just felt yuck all the time - I felt fat and flabby, i was often bloated, had sugar cravings, bad skin etc. Enough was enough!
    |Everyone has their different methods of course, but I myself followed/am following a diet that at first cuts out sugar and fat. That's hard at first! But I find that after the first week or so, my energy and hunger levels really balance out. Get rid of all the excess sugar, stuff like soda, sweets etc! you can still get sweetness from fruit etc. It's hard at first but after a while you will realise how much your body was craving empty calories and you will feel 100%!
    Lots of luck with your efforts, the most important thing is motivation! Once you start losing more you will want to plough ahead and really succeed.
  • Hey!! So proud of you on our 2 x 5k's!!!! It's sure something to be very proud of. Good luck for the future and I'm sure you will reach your goal in no time
  • Great job on the 5k! I always wonder if I might be able to do that someday.

    Stop in and check out the Calorie Counters group. Lots of great people choosing to lose weight the same way we are.


  • Thanks everyone for the support!
  • Welcome & Good Luck
  • Good for you and welcome to the forum. You've definitely figured out right now whats working for you and I agree with your exercise more than 1200 is a good idea. Proud of you, way to go, and as Tim Gunn would say "carry on" and "make it work"!
  • Welcome. Good luck on your journey!