Circles around my eyes...

  • I'm not just talking about the dark circles, although I have those too (thanks to genetics and 3 kids who don't sleep well I look like a raccoon even with concealer). But the skin around my eyes (and occasionally around my mouth) gets a yellowish tint, this has been happening off and on for about 10 years, since I was 18 or so. At first I was freaked and thought jaundice or something, but the whites of my eyes are still white and the Dr. tested me and my liver function is completely normal. I'm thinking it has something to do with my skin color, which has golden undertones thanks to being hispanic but is also fair thanks to the irish in me? But I just don't know... Anyway...

    Does anyone else have this? Do you have any tips or tricks for getting rid of it or covering it up? Any ideas for what might work? I hate walking around looking like I'm chronically ill and never sleep.

  • Have you tried a good foundation (in addition to the concealer you already use)? If so, do you lay down a primer before putting down concealer/foundation? It might help to cover it a bit and to keep the makeup on throughout the day.
  • Since you say the circles around your eyes are a yellowish tint, you may want to consider a lavender tinted color corrector to help neutralize & conceal them. You apply the corrector after your moisturizer & primer and would follow with concealer and foundation, then a good translucent powder to set everything. NYX makes a pretty good reasonably priced lavender color corrector, so does Coastal Scents.
  • Thank you ladies! I will be investing in a primer and lavender color corrector this coming payday! Will let you know how it works. Thanks again!