How Embarrassing

  • So I am back here. I have gained about 25 pounds back from when I left. I thought I could handle it on my own without any support and I was totally and completely wrong!

    I am not back up to my highest weight YET but I am about 10 lbs off of that. How totally and completely disgusting!

    Anyway. I am back and need help! How seriously and totally embarrassing!
  • Welcome back, Lioness!

    There's no need to be embarrassed--not here. You're in good company with a lot of other people who have returned because they've gained a little (or a lot) back and with those who are still plodding along at an ever-slowing pace (yep, that's me) along with those who are flying down the scale and providing motivation.

    Glad to see you back.
  • Nola's right - there's no need to be embarrassed! This is such a supportive community, and who understands better than the people here?

    You took it off once, and you can do it again!
  • I, myself, have regained. Restarted back in April, and have been chugging along. No use in wasting time regretting the past. Just gotta dig in our heels and start taking steps forward

    You can do this!
  • I'm in the same boat. Not embarrassing; human. Committing is a great first step! Welcome!
  • Thanks guys. I know in my head that I am not alone, that this is a struggle for everyone. But hearing it and knowing it are two different things yanno?
    I am a huge schedule/planner, so I started working on the first four weeks of menu's yesterday. I am trying to find something that works for everyone in my house. We did South Beach for a long time, and it worked really well. Until something like a birthday or a holiday would come up. I was doing really well even with that because I would give myself a "cheat" day. Unfortunately while I am ok with one cheat day, my new husband is not. I found myself constantly worried about what he was doing, or trying to make sure that he was comfortable and then I would give up. I mean if he does not care why should I yanno? Wrong attitude I know. So now I am trying things a bit differently, so hubby and three teenagers can get good habits and not feel like they are "missing out". I am just going to have to learn to deal with slow progress and not instant gratification. HAHA