three days from Starting..Colors are brighter!

  • OK, I'm on my third day.. and I noticed yesterday that everything seems brighter , clearer.. of maybe I'm experiencing withdrawal...

    Plus I know what real hunger feels like.. eeek..
    I have a lot of self-control right now..however I'm afraid of the future, as I get hungrier and hungrier..
    Maybe its my imagination, but seriously, I think my body is in burning just feels different.. and I have more saliva..gosh now I feel like a ravenous dog..
  • Hi Slim,

    You said you were following WW. Are you eating all of your points and eating lots of the free fruit? Make sure to follow the hunger scale - so you don't feel to ravenous. Use protein to keep you balanced as well.

    It is amazing how we feel better so quickly. I find that when I make a poor choice that I feel so icky. For so long that was normal to me. (I went out to a specialty restaurant last weekend and ate thier signature fish and chips, keeping the portion in control and balancing my calories for the day. Still, just the heaviness of the food and the breading made me feel tired and sluggish for the rest of the day. I found myself retaining water from the sodium for 2 days also. So, NOT worth it!) Eating well has immediate affects on how we feel even before weight loss happens. Isn't that great?! Hang on to this feeling! It keeps getting better and better!

    I'm so glad your're doing well!!
  • Hey, Slim!

    Yes, are you eating all your points? I am not that far off weight wise from you and I am getting plenty of food. The better choices you make the more food you get! I get 37 points right now so you must be near that. Utilize the free fruit and veggies and make sure you get ALL your points in every day.

    Good luck!
  • Don't forget...your stomach may be use to larger portions of the heavier food that took longer to digest.

    Last night I fixed a meal that I normally would have eaten all of, and after figuring out a TRUE portion size I was full before I was done. It doesn't take near as much to fill my stomach now, and it's only been two weeks!

    I'm doing the points plus and have my afternoon snack full of veggies before eating dinner, and usually have veggies with dinner. I've noticed that the late afternoon snack of veggies has made a huge difference at dinner time.

    As for already feeling the positive effects of eating healthier, I couldn't agree more! Even mentally I felt better because I knew I was making the right choices for me and didn't have eater's remorse haha!
  • Quote: Hi Slim,

    You said you were following WW. Are you eating all of your points and eating lots of the free fruit? Make sure to follow the hunger scale - so you don't feel to ravenous. Use protein to keep you balanced as well.
    I don't think I am eating all my pooints..I did have a smoothie made with frozen mango and rasberries and water last night which seemed to help..I'm not really sure I'm counting the points right

    Quote: Hey, Slim!

    Yes, are you eating all your points? I am not that far off weight wise from you and I am getting plenty of food. The better choices you make the more food you get! I get 37 points right now so you must be near that. Utilize the free fruit and veggies and make sure you get ALL your points in every day.

    Good luck!
    I get 42 points a day...haha I'm so new at this..gosh I hope I can get organized enough so I dont starve myself..or worse eat too much AHHHHH!

    Quote: Don't forget...your stomach may be use to larger portions of the heavier food that took longer to digest.
    Yeah my stomach actually feels emptier..there is so much less bloating..
    I was pretty hungry today..then had a big dinner..I need to recalculate my points..hmmm... eee I feel like "diet dumb" haha